Category Tibetan Calendar

The category contains all the post about . The calendar is a lunisolar calendar, that is, the Tibetan year is composed of either 12 or 13 , each beginning and ending with a new moon.

Products related to Tibetan Calendar

Tibetan map of the Kizil Caves, Tarim Basin. 13th century CE

Languages written in Tibetan script

The Tibetan script is a segmental writing system (abugida) of Indic origin used to write certain Tibetic languages, including Tibetan, , Sikkimese, Ladakhi, Jirel and Balti. It has also been used for some non-Tibetic languages in close cultural contact with Tibet. The printed form is called uchen script while the hand-written cursive form used in everyday writing is called umê script. This writing system is used across the Himalayas, and Tibet. The script is closely linked .
Saga Dawa Festival

Tibetan Calendar and Festivals

There are different which are celebrated in . Tibet is rich in and tradition. All people enjoy festivals together to maintain harmony and among one another. in South Asia The calendar is a set of lunisolar calendars primarily used in mainland Southeast Asian countries of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand as well as in Sri Lanka for and official occasions. While the calendars share a common lineage, they also .