About Lopon

Lopon is a spiritual degree given in Tibetan Buddhism equal to M. A.

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Milarepa, wearing the distinctive white shawl (zen) of a Ngagpa

Honorific titles in Tibetan institutions and clergy

Buddhist monasticism is an important part of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, all the major and minor schools maintain large monastic institutions based on the Mulasarvastivada Vinaya (monastic rule) and many religious leaders come from the monastic community. There are also many religious leaders or teachers (called and Gurus) which are not celibate monastics and in some cases the lama is the leader of a spiritual community. Some lamas gain their title through being .
white tara mandala

Tara – The Female Buddha

is actually the perfection of , and she is the mother of all the , , Shravakas, and Pratyeka Buddhas. This wisdom is actually beyond any or signs or descriptions. But out of great , in order to help sentient beings, she appears in a physical form that is the Tara. The word Tara means “Saviour” or “One Who Saves”. Why Tara is called as the female Buddha? There are male and female Buddhas .
Kalachakra Mandala

Kalachakra – Mandala and Stupas around the world

Kalacakra in a Yi-dam( protector) who turns . Kalacakra is the title of a in one of the divisions of the . It is possible that Kalacakra is a personification of that work. Kalacakra is usually as a with four head on each of which is the . He may have twelve or twenty-four arms but never has more than two legs. In his Yi-dam form, he is dark blue. .