About Mandala of Great Bliss

Mandala of great Bliss has supreme happiness. Every Mandala has Great Bliss.

Products related to Mandala of Great Bliss

Support for Meditation – Kalachakra Mandala

Support for Kalachakra is a complex meditation practice from the highest class of , anuttarayoga. More than just providing a profound method for overcoming the detrimental effects of compulsive and attaining enlightenment to benefit all others. This Mandala one of the most popular Tibetan . Considered a very useful painting by many established practitioners it has become extremely popular in the West. Used by the in many of his .

Deity and Divinities of Nyingma Tradition

Tradition is the old school of is the name given to the followers of those original translations of the of the into . The Nyingma teachings are divided into the Long Transmission (Tib. ring gyü) of the and the Short Transmission (Tib. nyé gyü) of Terma; other teachings were received by directly in Pure Visions (Tib. dak nang) from or , in experiences or in dreams. Particular to .