About Nairatmya

Nairātmyā or Dagmema is a yoginī, the consort of Hevajra in the Hevajra-tantra. The name means "she who has no self (ātman)". Nair-ātmyā is the feminine form of nairātmya which comes from nirātman ; nairātmya means "of nirātman", and in the feminine form, nairātmyā, "she who has no self". Nair-ātmyā, the no-self female, that is, she who has no self. She is an embodiment of the Buddhist philosophical concept of anātman.

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Explaining Nairatmya

is a who is the consort of in the Hevajra-.  Nairaymya is an embodiment of the philosophical concept of anatman. Nairatmya and Shri Virupa malformed, Ugly One along with the 'Extensive Lineage' of Indian of the Hevajra Tantra. The life of Nairatmya In this section, we will learn about the life of Nairatmya. And after that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the Nairatmya. Etymology of Nairatmya Nairatmya is .
Temple banner depicting a dancing tantric goddess flanked by bird-headed ḍākinīs

Dakinis – The blissful wisdom of tantric transformation

The concept of the ḍākinī somewhat differs depending on the context and the tradition. In Nepalese and Tibetan Buddhism, can refer to both what can be best described as fierce-looking female embodiments of enlightened energy and to human women with a certain amount of spiritual development, both of which can help Tantric initiates attaining enlightenment. The ḍākinī appears in a Vajrayana formulation of the Buddhist refuge formula known as the Three Roots. Sometimes she .
Seated Buddha, from the Seokguram, Korea

Incarnations of Gautama in Buddhism

was an ascetic and spiritual teacher of South Asia who lived during the latter half of the first millennium BCE. He was the founder of Buddhism and is revered by Buddhists as an Enlightened being whose teachings sought a path to freedom from ignorance, craving, rebirth and suffering. Born in Lumbini in the Newar clan of the Shakya, he spent the majority of his adult life in modern day Nepal and India, .

Interpreting Buddhist Protector Panjarnata Mahakala

Panjarnata is the protector of the cycle of . The and of Panjarnata Mahakala are found in the 18th chapter of the Panjara Tantra which an exclusive 'explanatory tantra' to the Hevajra Tantra itself. Life of Panjarnata Mahakala In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Panjarnata Mahakala, after that, the short etymological description of the word  Panjarnata Mahakala itself. Panjarnata Mahakala is the main protector of the .

Interpreting Indian Adept Avadhutipa – Maitripa

Avadhutipa is also known as Maitripa who is an important figure both in and . It is through him that and ’s crucial on nature, the Uttara , became widely followed in . He also transmitted the esoteric aspect of buddha nature, embodied in the , which treat the topic of in great detail and provide a wide range of progressive, highly-refined . The life of the Indian .

Explaining Lama Teacher Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen

PanditaKunga Gyeltsen was a and scholar and the fourth of the Five Sakya Forefathers. He is held in the tradition to have been an emanation of Manjusri, the embodiment of the of all the . The Viability of Kunga Gyaltsen In this portion, we are going to talk about the life of Sakya PanditaKunga Gyeltsen. After a short etymological description of the word Sakya PanditaKunga Gyeltsen itself, we will .

Interpreting Lama Teacher Sonam Lhundrup

Lowo Khenchen was the son of the 2nd Mustang Agon Sangpo and traveled to Central several to at the great and . The viability of the Sonam Lhundrup In this portion, we are going to grab about the viability of the Sonam Lhundrup. After that, we will present the short etymological description of the Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup itself. Etymology of Sonam Lhundrup Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup is known .
Hevajra Mandala

Interpreting Enlightened Yidam Hevajra

is one of the main in or . Hevajra's consort is . The life of Hevajra In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Hevajra, after that we will learn the short etymological description of the word Hevajra itself. Etymology of Hevajra Hevajra is known as pal Gye pa dor JE lha Gu'i Khyil kor in . Earlier, we learn about the life of Hevajra. Now, we are going to learn .

Explaining Siddha Virupa – The Lord of Yoga

Virupa is also known as Yogeshvara. Virupa is surrounded by students and lineage teachers. Siddha Virupa is especially known as the source of the system held by the school and is thus seen as the Indian founder of their lineage.  The life of Siddha Virupa In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Siddha Virupa, after te short etymological description of the word Siddha Virupa itself. Etymology of Siddha Virupa Virupa is known .

Explaining Lama Teacher Tashi Paltseg

Tashi Paltseg was born in 1359-1424. Tashi Paltseg was born in 9th-century at Holder of Taglung. The life of Tasi Paltseg In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Tashi Platseg, after te short etymological description of the word Tashi Platseg itself. Etymology of Tashi Patseg Tashi Platseg  appointed Taglung Shamar Jangchub Gyatso to the abbacy of Taglung Earlier, we learn about the life of Tashi Platseg. Now, we are going to learn about .