Products related to The lotus

The Sheshnaryan Temple & Rigzin Drubte Ghatshal Monastery

In the same complex, close to the the Sheshnarayan is the oldest in , Rigzin Drubte Ghatshal Monastery. It is a great example of and cultural pluralism in . A , a and a prophetic vision Lord is one of the principal deities of . He is part of the holy that consists of three , the creator, , the god of destruction and Vishnu who is responsible .

The Stupas of Kathmandu valley – History & splendor

The of valley are unique in their and cultural relevance. They are a feat of intricate craftsmanship and artistry. From the domes, to the pillar bearing an umbrella to the beautiful doorways and the eyes (painted on most in ) all portray exemplary . Stupas not only remind us of the splendor of the and architecture of the past, they also have great and spiritual significance in .

Buddhist Stupa – Kadam Chorten

The Kadam Style is distinguished by a simple but top with a parasol and thirteen falling discs. A square balcony-like structure with a round -shaped bottom is placed in the center, all of which is above around double foundation. Kadam are commonly used as reliquaries. Some include only connected , while others contain the ashes of a or other renowned person. They frequently contain numerous kinds of treasure, ranging from .

The Legend of Manjushree and the Mystical Paleo Kathmandu Lake

meaning “gentle glory” is often perceived as a divine being who brought order to the valley when it was a Paleo Kathmandu Lake, by cutting down the Chobhar gorge, draining out the and making the land suitable for life. Even more intriguing is the way he did it, by using a supernatural armament, a sword of godly might, cutting the valley into two. On the historical side of affairs, there are .

The 8 Stupas in Buddhism

The 8 in are different with each other and represents an important event in 's life. In his Astamahasthanacaitya-stotras, connects the eight to specific events and places in the Buddha's life. , or Stupa (མཆོད་རྟེན་དཀར་པོ།) is an important monument in Buddhism, symbolizing Buddha’s presence. It also holds precious relics and sometimes even preserved bodies of renowned . believe that performing Koras of the monument is an .

All about Guhyasamaja Tantra

Guhyasamja is one of 's most fascinating, difficult, and essential personalities. It combines various important , into one sculpture. It is predominantly is call Akshobhayavajara which is the form of Akshobhaya buddha. Guhyasamja is the foremost meditational deity of the Method-father class of . Guhyasamaja has two main traditions, the Arya () Lineage, and the Jnana (Jnanapada) Lineage. There are three principal iconographic of Guhyasamaja; Akshobhyavajra (blue), (orange), .

Top 100 quotes by Buddha

Prince was born in the 5th or 6th Century BC in . In his 20s, the prince experienced realities of the outside world that led him on a quest for . He left the palace to search for it and eventually attained enlightenment. It was then that he became . Until he died at the age of 80, Buddha taught many people how to achieve enlightenment. His doctrines eventually became what is known .
The Samantabhadra Mantra Banner

Samantabhadra Mantra Banner

(: ; lit. "Universal Worthy", "All Good") is a who is linked to practice and . In , he the Triad with and the Majur. He is the patron of the and is said to have taken the 10 great that form the foundation of a bodhisattva, according to the Avatamsaka . Who is Samantabadra? In , Samantabhadra is a bodhisattva (-to-be) who .