Buddhist Statue of Stupa
Buddhist Statue of Stupa
Buddhist Statue of Stupa
Buddhist Statue of Stupa
Buddhist Statue of Stupa
Buddhist Statue of Stupa
Buddhist Statue of Stupa
Buddhist Statue of Stupa

Buddhist Statue of Stupa


SKU: HRSH-25376 Category:


Buddhist Statue of Stupa  is 36 x 20 x 20 cm. The material used to make this stupa is Copper. A stupa is a mound-like structure used by Buddhists as a place of worship that houses Buddhist relics, usually the remains of Buddha.

The stupa is the oldest Buddhist religious monument, and it began as a simple mound of mud or clay to conceal alleged Buddha relics. Following the Buddha’s enlightenment, his remains were cremated, and the ashes were divided and buried under eight stupas, with two more stupas encasing the urn and embers. Little is known about these early stupas, especially since the original ten monuments have not been identified.

Later stupas, such as those found in Sarnath and Sanchi, appear to be embellishments of earlier mounds.


Size 36 x 20 x 20cm
Material Copper


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