Namangal Buddhist Stupa
Namangal Buddhist Stupa
Namangal Buddhist Stupa
Namangal Buddhist Stupa
Namangal Buddhist Stupa
Namangal Buddhist Stupa
Namangal Buddhist Stupa

Namangal Buddhist Stupa


SKU: HRSH-22812 Category:


Namangal Buddhist Stupa is 15 kg and its size is 60 x 36 x 36cm. The material used to make this stupa is Copper and it is Gold Plated.

Chorten is a Tibetan word for Stupa that means “foundation of offering.”

It is a sign of enlightened mind (universal divinity, the awakened mind) and the path to its realization.

Buddhist Stupas are also known as “Spiritual Monument”.

The stupa represents the Buddha’s body, speech, and mind, particularly his mind, and each part depicts the Buddha’s path to Enlightenment.



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