Old singing bowl


Jambati Singing Bowl  is 2.338 kg with 14 x 28.5cm diameter. Yoga, music therapy, sound healing, and religious ceremonies all use singing bowls, also known as Himalayan bowls.

Weight 2.338 kg
Dimensions 28.5 × 14 cm


Spiritual focus

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Old singing bowl is 2.338 kg with 14 x 28.5 cm diameter. Himalayan bowls are used for yoga, music therapy, sound healing, and religious ceremonies.

Singing bowls are played to signal the beginning and end of silent meditation cycles in the Buddhist tradition. Tibetan bowls produce very pure tones that are similar to sine waves. For our ears, their sound is synonymous with purity.

Weight 2338 Grams
Size 14 x 28.5 cm
Material Bronze

Accessories and Sound Check

A felt hitting mallet and cushion will be included in the package. If you want to be certain about the sound of the bowls you are buying, please ask us for Sound Check Request of the Singing Bowls.

We’ll send you a videos of Bowls playing. We will transmit the highest quality sound.