Karma Gadri Painting of Amitabha


Karma Gadri Painting of Amitabha is buddhist Handmade thangka with dimension 60*46 cm. It is handpainted on cotton canvas in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 46 × 60 cm


Cotton Canvas, Mineral & vegetable pigment colors


Spiritual focus


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Karma Gadri Painting of Amitabha is buddhist Handmade thangka with dimension 60*46 cm. It is handpainted on cotton canvas in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Amitabha buddha is depicted at the center of painting. Chenrezig and padmasambhava is presented at the bottom left and bottom right corner of the painting.

Weight 100 Grams
Size 60 x 46 cm
Material Cotton Canvas and Mineral Color

Mantra of Amitabha Buddha

The mantra of Amitabha Buddha is Om Ami Dewa hr.

Iconography of Amitabha buddha

Amitabha is head of the Lotus Family, one of the oldest & significant of the Five Buddha Families. This family represents love, purity, compassion & peace. Amitabha Purelandis a place of infinite bliss & boundless light.

Amitabha Buddha is also one of the five Tathagatas representing the wisdoAmitabha Buddha is also one of the five Tathagatas representing the wisdom of discriminating awareness. Amitabha Buddha is red in color. He is represented in the stupa facing to the west. He rides on a peacock symbolizing that he can take away the suffering of others just as the peacock eats poisonous plants and yet his tail shines forth.

Iconography of Chenrezig

Chenrezig Tibetan Art is visualized in many forms with various numbers of faces and arms, and various colors and ornaments. He sits on a lotus and the flat disc of the moon with another moon disk behind him, reflecting his total purity.

Two of his four arms are joined in the prayer position holding the wish-fulfilling gem. In his other left hand, he holds a lotus flower and in his other right hand, there is a crystal mala which he is using to count the repetitions of his mantra.

Mantra of Chenrezig

The Mantra of Chenrezig is Om Mani Padme Hum.

Iconography of Padmasambhava

The Khatvanga, a danda with three severed heads denoting the three kayas (the three bodies of a Buddha: the dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, and nirmanakaya), crowned by a Trishula and dressed in a sash of the Himalayan Rainbow or Five Pure Lights of the Mahabhuta is a particular divine attribute of Padmasambhava and intrinsic to his iconographic representation.

His two eyes are wide open in a piercing gaze. On his body, he wears a white vajra undergarment and, on top of this, in layers, a red robe, a dark blue Mantrayana tunic, a red monastic shawl decorated with a golden flower pattern, and a maroon cloak of a silk brocade. He has one face and two hands.

In his right hand, he holds a five-pronged vajra at his heart; and in his left, which rests in the gesture of equanimity, he holds a skull cup in the center of which is a vase of longevity filled with the nectar of deathless wisdom. Cradled in his left arm is a three-pointed Khatvanga representing the consort Mandarava. On his head, he wears a five-petalled lotus hat.

Mantra of Padmasambhava

The mantra of  Padmasambhava is Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum.