Namgyalma thangka
Namgyalma thangka
Namgyalma thangka
Namgyalma thangka
Namgyalma thangka
Namgyalma thangka
Namgyalma thangka

Namgyalma thangka


SKU: HRSH-26052 Categories: ,


Namgyalma thangka is hand-painted and is painted on Cotton Canvas in Kathmandu Nepal. The size of this thangka is 63*45 cm.

Namgyalma is presented at the center of the thangka. Amitabha buddha is presented at the top of Namgyalma in the thangka.

Weight 100 Grams
Size 63 x 45 cm
Material Cotton Canvas and Mineral Color

Iconography of Namgyalma

Ushnisha Vijaya is also known as Namgyalma. Namgyalma is a deity for long life and purification. Her mantra has infinite benefits.

It is said to be so powerful that anybody who hears it will never again be born from the womb. Therefore, if animals hear it, they will never again be reborn in the lower realms.

The mantra of Ushnisha Vijaya (Namgyalma)

Om Dhrum Soha Om Amrita Ayur Dade Soha.


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