43 Cm padmapani lokeshvara statue
43 Cm padmapani lokeshvara statue
43 Cm padmapani lokeshvara statue
43 Cm padmapani lokeshvara statue
43 Cm padmapani lokeshvara statue

43 Cm padmapani lokeshvara statue


SKU: HRSH-26638 Categories: , ,


43 Cm padmapani lokeshvara statue is made in Nepal by master statue artists. The weight of the statue is 3.008 kg and the size is 43 x 15 x 11 cm.

The material used to make this statue is Copper.

Weight 3008 Grams
Size 43 x 15 x 11 cm
Material Copper

Avalokiteshvara is also known as Padmapani. In Sukhavati Heaven, he is usually depicted standing to the right of Buddha Amitabha. He is represented in a reddish hue.

In his left hand, he holds a lotus flower, and in his right hand, he makes the Varada mudra. On his shoulders, he wears antelope skin. He wears all of the bodhisattva’s ornaments which represent his enlightened experiences. His hair is tied in a top knot and he wears a crown.

It is occasionally obscured by an effigy of Amitabha Buddha. Padmapani is white when there is no effigy of Amitabha Buddha in the crown of Padmapani.


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