Tibetan Chenrezig thangka art


Tibetan Chenrezig thangka art is hand painted on cotton canvas by a thangka artist from Nepal. The size of this thangka is 77 x 52 cm and its weight is 0.1kg.

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 52 × 77 cm


Cotton Canvas

Spiritual focus


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Tibetan Chenrezig thangka art is hand painted on cotton canvas by a thangka artist from Nepal. The size of this thangka is 77 x 52 cm and its weight is 0.1kg. Chenrezig is the most revered of all Bodhisattva embodying the compassion of all Buddhas.

Chenrezig is depicted in the center of the thangka. Chenrezig is surrounded by different other deities in the thangka.

Weight 100 Grams
Size 77 x 52 cm
Material Cotton Canvas and Mineral colors

Iconography of Chenrezig

Chenrezig is presented at the center of the Chenrezig. Chenrezig Tibetan Art is visualized in many forms with various numbers of faces and arms, and various colors and ornaments. He sits on a lotus and the flat disc of the moon with another moon disk behind him, reflecting his total purity.

Two of his four arms are joined in the prayer position holding the wish-fulfilling gem. In his other left hand, he holds a lotus flower and in his other right hand, there is a crystal mala which he is using to count the repetitions of his mantra.

Chenrezig Mantra

The Chenrezig mantra is Om Mani Padme Hum.