Tibetan Ghau
Tibetan Ghau
Tibetan Ghau
Tibetan Ghau
Tibetan Ghau

Tibetan Ghau


SKU: HRSH-22386 Category:


Ghau Statue is made in Nepal by master statue artists. The weight of the statue is 1.15 kg and the size is 27 x 26 x 5cm.

The material used to make this statue is Copper. Ghau is a portable shrine in which a silk-wrapped image of the owner’s personal deity is maintained. Ghau was utilized by the majority of Tibetans at home and while traveling. It is kept on the altar at home, but it is fastened to the cross belt when traveling.

Ghau is characterized by trefoil shapes and a central window through which the particular deity can be seen. Ghau is made up of two pieces that combine to make a box. The back is normally plain whereas the front is lavishly embellished.


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