Seeking the 17th Karmapa - Meetings, relics, and public absence
Vajrayana Teachings and Culture

Seeking the 17th Karmapa – Meetings, relics, and public absence

The 17th , , has recently been in the news following a discreet meeting with .

This encounter, highlighted by the Danang Foundation, is notable due to the Karmapa’s low public profile since he canceled his online due to illness.

Tsewang , a key figure in the Karmapa’s escape from , met with him for a month, though the exact location of their meeting remains undisclosed.

Concurrently, Tsewang Rinpoche delivered relics to the Thrangu centers in Malaysia, further suggesting Malaysia as a potential meeting place.

The Karmapa’s continued low visibility has stirred speculation.

According to a private source, his past efforts to travel freely have been hindered by political and sectarian conflicts.

These include ongoing issues with the Indian government, who allegedly require him to obtain an Indian passport, and internal sectarianism, notably from the dominant lineage.

Furthermore, persistent legal battles regarding the control of and allegations of espionage have also contributed to his constrained public presence.

Despite these challenges, the recent meeting with Tsewang Rinpoche and the quiet gifting of relics provide a glimmer of connection to his followers, highlighting the Karmapa’s enduring significance and the complex web of political, sectarian, and personal issues surrounding his public appearances and movements.

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