The origin of the Graphic Arts of Buddhism

 is the artistic implementations  that are perused by  . It includes media which idolize  , and other of remarkable figures, both and mythical. Buddhist art explains the scenes from  the lives of all of the  and other graphic that helps to practice as well as physical objects connected with Buddhist practice, such as ,  and  . Buddhist art originated on the  following the historical life of , 6th to 5th century BCE, and .
Atisa Thangka Painting

Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna – The Reviver of Buddhism in Tibet

is a renowned Indian who went to in 1042 to help in the revival of and established the Kadam tradition. His text Light for the Path was the first lam-rim text. Pala Empire The Pala Dynasty was the ruling Dynasty in Bihar and Bengal , from the 8th to the 12th century.  Called the Palas because all their names ended in Pala, "protector". is a teacher from the Pala Empire who, along .