About Lama Sonam Zangpo

Lama Sönam Zangpo was a direct disciple of Drubwang Shakya Shri, who specialized in the Six Yogas of Naropa. 

Also a direct and main student in Bhutan of Dudjom Rinpoche, he was Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's maternal grandfather and teacher. He was featured in Arnaud Desjardins' movie, 'The Message of the Tibetans'.

Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche (aka Meme Lama), born in 1983, was recognized by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche as his reincarnation.
Lama Sönam Zangpo was a direct disciple of Drubwang Shakya Shri, who specialized in the Six Yogas of Naropa. Also a direct and main student in Bhutan of Dudjom Rinpoche, he was Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's maternal grandfather and teacher. He was featured in Arnaud Desjardins' movie, 'The Message of the Tibetans'. Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche (aka Meme Lama), born in 1983, was recognized by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche as his reincarnation.