About Menri Lopon Rinpoche

Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche, born in 1962 in Chharka, Dolpo region of north-western Nepal, is the principal instructor at Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India. He succeeded Yongzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche and hails from the illustrious Yangton lineage, tracing back to Yangton Sherab Gyaltsen, an eminent Dzogchen and Tantric master. Raised in a region steeped in Zhang-Zhung culture, Rinpoche underwent rigorous retreats from age thirteen, focusing on Bön practices. He holds a Geshe Doctoral Degree from the Bön Dialectic School and serves as Lopon, imparting teachings globally on Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen, fostering Bön traditions among both Eastern and Western practitioners.
Menri Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche, born in 1962 in Chharka, Dolpo region of north-western Nepal, is the principal instructor at Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India. He succeeded Yongzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche and hails from the illustrious Yangton lineage, tracing back to Yangton Sherab Gyaltsen, an eminent Dzogchen and Tantric master. Raised in a region steeped in Zhang-Zhung culture, Rinpoche underwent rigorous retreats from age thirteen, focusing on Bön practices. He holds a Geshe Doctoral Degree from the Bön Dialectic School and serves as Lopon, imparting teachings globally on Sutra, Tantra, and Dzogchen, fostering Bön traditions among both Eastern and Western practitioners.
Lukhang Temple mural depicting Dzogchen anuyoga practices such as tummo which work with the subtle body channels

List of well-known Dzogchen Teachers

In the realm of contemporary Dogzen teachers, a diverse array of masters and practitioners offer profound teachings and guidance worldwide. Introduction to Dzogchen Teachings Dzogchen, often referred to as the "Great Perfection," is a profound teaching and meditation practice within Tibetan Buddhism. It emphasizes direct realization of one's true nature, known as rigpa, beyond conceptual frameworks and intellectual understanding. Considered the pinnacle of spiritual attainment, Dzogchen teaches that every being possesses intrinsic wisdom and purity, which can be .