About Silk Road

The Silk Road, spanning over 6,400 kilometers (4,000 miles), was an ancient network of trade routes connecting East and West from the second century BCE to the mid-15th century. Initially facilitating the exchange of silk textiles, it expanded to include commodities like tea, spices, and precious metals. Despite enduring threats such as banditry and disease, it fostered cultural exchanges, technological diffusion, and geopolitical shifts. The Silk Road's decline coincided with the rise of the Ottoman Empire, leading to European exploration and the dawn of globalization.
The Silk Road, spanning over 6,400 kilometers (4,000 miles), was an ancient network of trade routes connecting East and West from the second century BCE to the mid-15th century. Initially facilitating the exchange of silk textiles, it expanded to include commodities like tea, spices, and precious metals. Despite enduring threats such as banditry and disease, it fostered cultural exchanges, technological diffusion, and geopolitical shifts. The Silk Road's decline coincided with the rise of the Ottoman Empire, leading to European exploration and the dawn of globalization.
Tea House: Interviews, Commentary, Reviews, Poetry
Tea House: Interviews, Commentary, Reviews, Poetry

All about Applique Thangkas

is Known as göchen in . The Huns of Central were the first to use to decorate saddle blankets. It traveled eastward along the , and accepted it as a holy form. Fabric were created in the 15th century utilizing an indigenous applique method. These thangkas, which are lavishly embroidered and appliqued, immediately became popular in Tibet. Because of its excellent materials, durability, suppleness, and potential .

The 4 Phases of The Development of Buddhism in India

was introduced to Indians by who lived in in the sixth century BCE, a of boom of and philosophical thought from Greece to . Born as the crown prince of the great Kingdom, the youth was prepared to be a in accordance with the wishes of his royal father. However, at the age of 28 years old, he learned of the deep experienced in life by most .