Amoghasiddhi Thangka Painting

Amoghasiddhi Thangka Painting


SKU: LP-472/BU680A Category:


This Amoghasiddhi Thangka Painting was crafted in Nepal by a highly skilled thangka artist on cotton canvas. It measures 52*73 cm in size and features one of the five important Dhyani Buddhas, Amoghasiddhi, whose name aptly reflects his character.

Weight 100 Grams
Size 52*71 cm
Material Cotton canvas and mixed color

Amogha (Amoha) represents a lack of uncertainty or spiritual unawareness, while siddhi symbolizes a proficiency in a particular area. Therefore, there is an Expert in Amoghasiddhi who can aid in the eradication of spiritual obscurity and confusion.


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