Kalachakra Mandala With Orange Background
Kalachakra Mandala With Orange Background
Kalachakra Mandala With Orange Background
Kalachakra Mandala With Orange Background

Kalachakra Mandala With Orange Background

From $175

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Kalachakra is a Sanskrit word that can be translated literally as “wheel of time.”  Kala, or “time,” is not linear time but the flow of all events, past, present, and future. This is similar to our concept of space, which does not imply a particular direction or limitation.  The Kalachakra deity represents omniscience, for he is one with all time and therefore knows all.  Chakra, meaning “wheel,” refers not only to the cycle of time but also to the way in which the enlightened experience of great bliss radiates like the sun from the self to all sentient beings.  The wheel, with no beginning and no end, is also the universal symbol of Buddhism, representing the teachings of the Buddha.It refers to one of the most complex philosophies and meditation practices within Tantric Buddhism.

The Kalachakra Mandala represents a big palace with 5 distinct levels. Every detail of the mandala, from each deity to every adornment of the building, refers to time and the universe (Outer Kalachakra) or physical and mental aspects (Inner Kalachakra) as well as the practice.This Mandala symbolizes individual and world peace and helps to restore physical and mental balance.

It is a complete, elaborately detailed, cosmology. It is founded in a Tantric cosmogony a traditional sacred explanation of the creation and structure of all. In the description, the microcosm that is the man is not different from the macrocosm that is the Universe. Besides these two very complex compassion“ one outside us, the other inside of us, there is given a method of “ a way to practice and apply this knowledge, in order to achieve ultimate happiness. Kalachakra can also be translated, the Cycle of Time. It is the name of a highest level Tantra and also the name of the dark blue male deity, whose golden consort is Vishvamata (Mother of the Universe.) The teaching of it, which is preparatory to the initiation, requires the construction of an intricate Mandala, and to do it is an extensive undertaking. Perhaps the most admired and discussed symbol of Buddhist religion and art is the Mandala, a word which, like guru and yoga, has become part of the English language. Both broadly define Mandalas as geometric designs intended to symbolize the universe, and reference is made to their use in Buddhist and Hindu practices. The word Mandala itself is derived from the root Manda, which means essence, to which the suffix la, meaning container, has been added. Thus, one obvious connotation of Mandala is that it is a container of essence. As an image, a Mandala may symbolize both the mind and the body of the Buddha. In esoteric Buddhism, the principle in the Mandala is the presence of the Buddha in it, but images of deities are not necessary. They may be presented either as a wheel, a tree, or a jewel or in any other symbolic manifestation.



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