Accepting ourselves and others as they are with Yongey Mingyur
Tergar - Joy of Living

Accepting ourselves and others as they are with Yongey Mingyur

In ’s discourse on finding Mr. or Ms. Perfect, he humorously addresses the common for an ideal partner and the pitfalls of unrealistic expectations.

Yongey challenges the notion of perfection, emphasizing the imperfections inherent in every individual. He recounts encounters with individuals seeking prayers for their soulmate, only to caution them against fixating on an unattainable ideal.

Yongey shares anecdotes illustrating how couples striving for perfection often face disappointment and disillusionment.

Instead, he advocates for embracing imperfection and cultivating acceptance and understanding in relationships.

Yongey suggests a practice of acknowledging and appreciating positive qualities in one another, fostering a deeper connection built on and .

Through humor and , Yongey reminds us that true fulfillment lies in accepting ourselves and others as they are, imperfections and all, fostering growth, transformation, and lasting relationships.


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