Two PhD honored with 2024 Khyentse Foundation award for excellence
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Two PhD Scholars Honored with 2024 Khyentse Foundation Award

The 2024 Award for Outstanding PhD Dissertation in Studies for is shared by Xiaonan Li and Lingfeng Tan.

Xiaonan Li, from Peking University, and Lingfeng Tan, from the , were chosen by the KF Dissertation Award Asia Committee for their excellent dissertations.

Xiaonan Li’s dissertation, “ and Grammatical Literature: On the Vicissitudes of Nāmakāyādi or Ming gi tshogs la sogs pa,” explores the development of linguistic theories in Tibetan texts, influenced by Buddhist and Sanskrit grammar. Her impressed the committee with its complexity and research vision.

Professor Saerji commended her for delving into Indo- philology and .

Lingfeng Tan’s dissertation, “The Doctrine of in Sarvāstivāda : A Critical of the Section on Pratītyasamutpāda in Saṃghabhadra’s *Nyāyānusāra,” examines the Sarvāstivāda interpretation of conditioned co-arising.

Her supervisor, Venerable Professor KL Dhammajoti, praised her for elucidating Sarvāstivāda doctrines and bringing valuable information to light.

Both scholars expressed gratitude to the Khyentse Foundation and their mentors. Xiaonan Li honored her late supervisor, Professor Duan Qing, and Professor Saerji.

Lingfeng Tan thanked her supervisor and the award committee, expressing her commitment to Buddhist studies.

Congratulations to Xiaonan Li and Lingfeng Tan for their outstanding achievements in Buddhist research.


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