About 34th Menri Trizin

Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, the 34th Menri Trizin, is the spiritual leader of Bön and the abbot of Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India. Born on November 29, 1972, in Amdo, Tibet, he became a monk at age 17 and later received his geshe degree from Gamal Monastery at age 24. In 2012, he earned a second geshe degree from Menri Monastery in India. Selected as the 34th Menri Trizin on January 1, 2018, his enthronement ceremony took place on September 6, 2018.
Lungtok Dawa Dhargyal Rinpoche, the 34th Menri Trizin, is the spiritual leader of Bön and the abbot of Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India. Born on November 29, 1972, in Amdo, Tibet, he became a monk at age 17 and later received his geshe degree from Gamal Monastery at age 24. In 2012, he earned a second geshe degree from Menri Monastery in India. Selected as the 34th Menri Trizin on January 1, 2018, his enthronement ceremony took place on September 6, 2018.
Lukhang Temple mural depicting Dzogchen anuyoga practices such as tummo which work with the subtle body channels

List of well-known Dzogchen Teachers

In the realm of contemporary Dogzen teachers, a diverse array of masters and practitioners offer profound teachings and guidance worldwide. Introduction to Dzogchen Teachings Dzogchen, often referred to as the "Great Perfection," is a profound teaching and meditation practice within Tibetan Buddhism. It emphasizes direct realization of one's true nature, known as rigpa, beyond conceptual frameworks and intellectual understanding. Considered the pinnacle of spiritual attainment, Dzogchen teaches that every being possesses intrinsic wisdom and purity, which can be .