About James Low

James Low is a dedicated disciple and teacher within the Byangter and Khordong lineages, following the teachings of Chhimed Rigdzin Lama. His journey in Tibetan Buddhism began in the 1960s in India, where he studied under masters like Kalu Rinpoche, Chatral Rinpoche, and Dudjom Rinpoche. Living with his root teacher, Chhimed Rigdzin Lama, in West Bengal, India, he immersed himself in retreats and pilgrimages in the Himalayas. James translated numerous tantric texts and sadhanas at the request of CR Lama, making them accessible in English and other European languages. Since 1976, James has been teaching with full lineage authority, focusing on making Dzogchen teachings relevant to Western audiences. Retired from his career as a Consultant Psychotherapist, he continues to teach and publish translations and commentaries, aiming to integrate dharma principles into everyday life.