About Lopon Ogyan Tenzin

Lopön Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche is a Nyingma Vajrayana master and scholar, recognized as a senior student of Dudjom Rinpoche. Born in Pemakö, he descends from the tertön Pema Lingpa and Jikme Kundrol Namgyal. Trained by Dudjom Rinpoche and Changchak Rinpoche, he holds various Nyingma lineages and has received teachings from eminent masters. Fluent in multiple languages, he actively supports the ngakpa tradition and directs several spiritual centers. An accomplished academic, he has held numerous teaching posts and is dedicated to preserving Tibetan texts and the Tshangs-lha language. He resides in Varanasi.
Lopön Ogyan Tanzin Rinpoche is a Nyingma Vajrayana master and scholar, recognized as a senior student of Dudjom Rinpoche. Born in Pemakö, he descends from the tertön Pema Lingpa and Jikme Kundrol Namgyal. Trained by Dudjom Rinpoche and Changchak Rinpoche, he holds various Nyingma lineages and has received teachings from eminent masters. Fluent in multiple languages, he actively supports the ngakpa tradition and directs several spiritual centers. An accomplished academic, he has held numerous teaching posts and is dedicated to preserving Tibetan texts and the Tshangs-lha language. He resides in Varanasi.