Namkhai Nyingpo Thangka Painting from 19th century

19th century Painting of Namkhai Nyingpo 

’i Nyingpo one of the twenty-five disciples of , is depicted with long-life implements. Other details of this nineteenth-century from Kham suggest from ’s story of and Dorje Tso.

Namkhai Nyingpo is performing a long-life ritual in this . He holds upraised in the right hand an arrow of and a scepter. In the left hand, a is held close to the heart.

In the sky above, at the top center, are five teachers standing with the right hands each holding an arrow of longevity. Of these, at the far left is . In front of each of the five figures stands a female consort making an .

At the top left is a collection of Long-life deities with a seated male figure, red in color, embracing a female consort at the center of sixteen accompanying figures. Each holds in the right hand a long-life arrow.

An inscription reads

” I bow to the host of immortal long-life deities.”

At the lower left is the standing female figure of Kandro Shel Kar ( White Crystal). At the lower right is the protector deity with a wrathful upper and the lower body of a serpent riding a light brown horse, Genyen Nyonka.

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About sadiksha

Namaste! I am a Nepali Art Dealer specialized in Mandala and Thangka paintings. I love to write articles about the monastic culture of the Himalayas.

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