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Products related to Longevity

Interpreting Buddha of longevity – White Tara

is known as the female of . White , also called "the Mother of all Buddhas" is the perfect embodiment of graceful power, , and . As with Tara's expressions in the other five colors, the vibrations of white color express the specific energy of White Tara. The Viability of the White Tara In this portion, we are going to gab about the viability of the White Tara. After that, we will learn about .
Namkhai Nyingpo Thangka Painting from 19th century

19th century Painting of Namkhai Nyingpo 

'i Nyingpo one of the twenty-five disciples of , is depicted with long-life implements. Other details of this nineteenth-century from Kham suggest from 's story of and Dorje Tso. Namkhai Nyingpo is performing a long-life ritual in this . He holds upraised in the right hand an arrow of and a scepter. In the left hand, a is held close to the heart. In the sky above, at the .
Phurba Gallery

The Tantric Phurba – A protective ritual dagger

The is a dagger used in practices. It is used to protect against negative energies and to promote positive change. The phurba is not to be used for or harm, and should only be used for ritual purposes. It is a powerful for protection and should be used with care and respect. Origin of Phurba in The renowned , who was initiated by the Indian sage Prabhahastin, is said .

Worldly Protector Tsangpa Karpo

Karpo is a wrathful of . Tsangpa Karpo was a dynasty that dominated large parts of Tibet from 1565 to 1642. It was the last royal dynasty to rule in its own name. The regime of Tsangpa Karpo was founded by , a low-born retainer of the prince of the Dynasty and governor of Shigatse in Tsang (West-Central Tibet) since 1548. Tsangpa is known as gTsang pa in Tibet. of .

The Amitabha Buddha Mantra Banner

In , a form of East Asian , is the most important . Amitabha is distinguished in for his , which attracts Western characteristics such as discernment, pure , and of the aggregates, as well as a deep awareness of the emptiness of all occurrences. Who is ? Amitabha Buddha is also known as Buddha. According to , Amitabha Buddha is a celestial buddha. Amitabha Buddha The .

The White Tara Mantra Banner

Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayur Pune Gyana Puntin Kuru Swoha is the supreme mother and collective manifestation of all the ' activity, as well as the female of compassionate activity. She is claimed to be able to see all of and respond to pleas for assistance. Her yogic practice enhances wellness and helps people live longer lives. The is Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayur Pune Gyana .

The Largest Tibetan Tiger Carpet ever made in Nepal

Life is pleased to introduce the Largest Tiger Carpet to all Tibetan Tiger lovers. The size of the carpet is 335 cm wide and 457 cm long (11*15)ft. This Tibetan Tiger Carpet is a and top- rug that conveys the warmth of handmade products. Historical context and meaning of the Tiger Rug in Tibetan Tiger are made traditionally, each design is cut by hand to create a 3-dimensional look that emulates a .

Explaining Buddhist Deity Green Tara

is a female and one of the most well-known in women. She is known as an being ready to take action to benefit sentient. The color green represents the wind element. She moves quickly as the wind to help others. The life of the Green In this section, we are going to talk about the life of Green tara, after the short etymological description of the word Green Tara .

Explaining Buddhist Elder Vanavasin

Vanavasin the Elder is the 3rd from the set of 16 great arhats. Vanavasin is also known as presides over the Seven Leaves Mountain with four hundred disciples. The life of the Vanavasin In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Vanavasin. And after, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Vanavasin itself. Etymology of Vanavasin Vanavasin is known as Pag pa Ne ten, nag la Ne in . .
Amitabha Buddha Statue Painted Face

Interpreting Buddha of Immeasurable Life – Amitabha Buddha

is also known as celestial who described in the of the school of . is the principal buddha in the sect, a branch of Buddhism practiced mainly in East . According to these Amitabha's scriptures, Amitabha possesses infinite merits resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a named Dharmakara. The Viability of Amitabha buddha In this section, we are going to learn about the viability .