Category Buddhas

A is a being who is fully awakened and has fully comprehended the .

venerate numerous Buddhas, more so than the tradition.

Products related to Buddhas

The Stupas of Kathmandu valley – History & splendor

The of valley are unique in their and cultural relevance. They are a feat of intricate craftsmanship and artistry. From the domes, to the pillar bearing an umbrella to the beautiful doorways and the eyes (painted on most in ) all portray exemplary . Stupas not only remind us of the splendor of the and architecture of the past, they also have great and spiritual significance in .

Tales of Hiranya Varna Mahavihar – The Golden Temple

The golden and its sublime architectural design, the marvelous artefacts and engrossing stories have startled the of visitors and left them pondering for years. is a captivating city boasting some majestic temples and poking out from behind modern buildings to those found along the old narrow alleys and streets There are many shrines dedicated to in Patan and you don’t have to be practicing Buddhism to appreciate the architectural significance .

32 Physical characteristics of the Buddha

attained almost two thousand and five hundred years ago. Those who lived during the era of the 's end did not have the opportunity to see his golden face and physical characteristics up close. The main characteristics that were visible at first glance and the secondary characteristics invisible but which aroused in every man sympathy and the pleasure. It is mentioned in the canonical texts that Buddha has thirty-two main characteristics and eighty .
Amitabha Buddha Statue Painted Face

Interpreting Buddha of Immeasurable Life – Amitabha Buddha

is also known as celestial who described in the of the school of . is the principal buddha in the sect, a branch of Buddhism practiced mainly in East . According to these Amitabha's scriptures, Amitabha possesses infinite merits resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a named Dharmakara. The Viability of Amitabha buddha In this section, we are going to learn about the viability .
Buy Medicine Buddha Thangka online

Medicine Buddha as Chinese Pantheon

, one of the three, one of the three foremost Buddhas of the Chinese Pantheon, is a Buddha of the past era. He is known as Yao Shih Fwo. Better known to the people like the Buddha of or the of , he is dear to the of many, for they have indeed received his blessings in the of miraculous from all kinds of illness. The title ‘Master of Healing’, .

8 Emanations of Ratnasambhava (Male and Female)

is one of the principal in and . He is the head of a group of who carry jewels and are family . Comparatively, Ratnasambhava is unimportant in the pantheon of the Northern , as is evident from the small number of deities that emanate from him. , , , and Ratnasambhava It has already been pointed out that Jambhala and Vasudhara were known long before the were ushered into .