Amitabha Buddha Statue Painted Face

Interpreting Buddha of Immeasurable Life – Amitabha Buddha

is also known as celestial who described in the of the school of . is the principal buddha in the sect, a branch of Buddhism practiced mainly in East . According to these Amitabha’s scriptures, Amitabha possesses infinite merits resulting from good deeds over countless past lives as a named Dharmakara.

The Viability of Amitabha buddha

In this section, we are going to learn about the viability of Amitabha buddha, after the sort etymological description of the word Amitabha budda itself, Finally, we will learn about the doctrine of Amitabha buddha.

Etymology of Amitabha Buddha

Amitabha Buddha is known as o Pag me, sang Gye in . And the meaning of Amitabha Buddha is the One of Immeasurable Light in English. Amitabha Buddha is also known as A-di-da Phat in .

In Korea, Amitabha buddha is known as Amit’ a Bul. And in , he is known as Amida Butsu.

The doctrine of the Amithaba Buddha

According to this Larger of Amitabha buddha of Immeasurable Life, Amitabha buddha was, in very and was possibly in another realm, and a named Dharmakara. In some versions of the sutra, Dharmakara is a who is also known as a former king who, having come into contact with the through the buddha Lokesvararaja, renounced his . He then resolved to become a buddha and so to come into of a buddhakṣetra possessed of many perfections.

These resolutions were expressed in his forty-eight , which set out the type of buddha-field Dharmakara aspired to create, the conditions under which beings might be born into that world, and what kind of beings they would be when reborn there. In the versions of the sutra widely known in , Vietnam, Korea, and Japan, Dharmakara’s eighteenth was that any being in any desiring to be born into Amitabha’s Pure Land and calling upon his name even as few as ten times will be guaranteed rebirth there.

His nineteenth vow promises that he, together with his and other , will appear before those who call upon him at the moment of death. This and acceptance of all kinds of people have made the Pure Land belief one of the major influences in . seems to have first become popular in northwest , , and Afghanistan, from where it spread to Central Asia and China, and from China to Vietnam, Korea, and Japan.

The sutra goes on to explain that Amitabha buddha, after accumulating great merit over countless lives, finally achieved and is still in his land of , whose many virtues and are described. The basic doctrines concerning Amitabha buddha and his vows are found in three canonical Mahayana.

Earlier, we learn about the viability of Amitabha Buddha. Now, we are going to learn about in .

 Buddha Amitabha in Buddhism

We are going to learn about the Buddha Amitabha in Vajrayana Buddhism.

Buddha Amitabha is also known in Tibet, Mongolia, and other regions where is practiced. In the Highest class of the , Vajrayana Amitabha is considered one of the who is associated with the western direction and the of saṃ, the aggregate of distinguishing and the deep awareness of individualities. His consort is Pandava, his realm is called either Sukhavati or Dewachen.

As his two main disciples, similar to the Buddha had two, are seen the Bodhisattvas and , the former to his left and the latter to his right. In Tibetan Buddhism, there exists a number of famous prayers for taking rebirth in Sukhavati. The Tibetan and are considered to be incarnations of Amitabha Buddha.

He is also frequently invoked in Tibet either as Buddha Amithaba – especially in the Powa practices or as Amitāyus – especially in practices relating to and preventing an untimely death. , like Tibetan Buddhism, also uses special devotional for Amitabha, though the used to differ. Amitabha is also one of the featured in the used in Shingon practices and sits to the west, which is where the Pure Land of Amitabha is said to dwell.

Earlier, we learn about the viability of Amitabha Buddha and buddha Amitabha in Vajrayana Buddhism. Now, we are going to learn about the Mantras of Amitabha Buddha.

Mantras of Amitabha Buddha

We are going to learn about the Mantras od Amitabha buddha.

Amitabha Buddha is the center of a number of mantras in Buddhist Vajrayana practices. The Japanese Shingon is On amirite Teizei kara un which represents the underlying Indic form oṃ amṛta-Teje Hara hūṃ. In addition to using the mantras listed above, many Buddhist schools invoke Amitabha’s name in a practice known as in Chinese and Nembutsu in Japanese.

Earlier, we learn about the viability of Amitabha Buddha, buddha Amitabha in Vajrayana Buddhism, and the Mantras of Amitabha Buddha. Now we are going to learn about Archeological Origins of Amitabha buddha.

Archeological origins

We are going to learn about the archeological origins of Amitabha buddha.

Tang Dynasty Amitabha sculpture , Longmen Grottoes, China The first known epigraphic evidence for Amitabha is the bottom part of a statue found in Govindnagar, Pakistan and now located at the .

The first known sutra mentioning in Amitabha buddha is the translation into Chinese of the Pratyutpanna Sutra by the Kuṣaṇa a monk Lokakṣema around 180 CE. This is said to be at the origin of Pure Land practice in China.

Earlier, we learn about the viability of Amitabha Buddha, buddha Amitabha in Vajrayana Buddhism, and the Mantras of Amitabha Buddha. And finally, we learn about the Archeological Origins of Amitabha buddha.

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Namaste! I am a Nepali Art Dealer specialized in Mandala and Thangka paintings. I love to write articles about the monastic culture of the Himalayas.

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