About Worldly Protector

Worldly Protector is a Buddhist term used to differentiate between different types of protector deities; the guardian kings of the four main directions, the ten protectors of the eight directions, above and below, along with regional and mountain deities.

Products related to Worldly Protector

Worldly Protector Tsangpa Karpo

Karpo is a wrathful of . Tsangpa Karpo was a dynasty that dominated large parts of Tibet from 1565 to 1642. It was the last royal dynasty to rule in its own name. The regime of Tsangpa Karpo was founded by , a low-born retainer of the prince of the Dynasty and governor of Shigatse in Tsang (West-Central Tibet) since 1548. Tsangpa is known as gTsang pa in Tibet. of .

Worldly Protector – Pehar Gyalpo

is known as the and the Daemon Pehar. Pehar Gyalpo is a non- protector who is invited to by and bound by an oath to protect all the centers. Pehar Gyalpo is a belonging to the Gyalpo class. Life of Pehar Gyalpo Pehar Gyalpo is the leader of a band of five and would later become the protector deity of in the .

Interpreting Worldly Protector Dorje Legapa

Dorje Legpa is an Oathbound of the School. Dorje Legpa is known as the guardian of the Revealed Treasure Tradition. The Esse of Dorje Legpa In this portion, we are going to talk about the life of Dorje Legpa. Finally, we will grab a short etymological description of the word  Dorje Legpa itself. Etymology of Dorge Legpa Dorje Legpa is known as Sadhu in . And the meaning of Dorje Legpa is Dor Je .

Wisdom Dakini Machig Labdron

Machig Labdron is a founder of the Cho Tradition of . Machig Labdron was a renowned 11th-century practitioner, teacher, and who originated several Tibetan lineages of the practice of Chod. Machig Labdron may have come from a family and, according to , developed Chod by combining native with the . Machig Labdron may have come from a Bon family and, according to Namkhai Norbu, developed .

Simhamukha Yogini The Female Tantric Buddha

is a tutelary deity arising out of the Chakrasamvara cycle of and belongs to the '' classification. Simhamukha is known as a and the female . Simhamukha is the 8th Century . Life of Simhamukha Yogini In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Simhamukha, after that, the short etymological description of the word Simhamukha itself. Simhamukha is the founder of the sarma school. She is also one .

Interpreting Blue Tara Ekajati

is  Mahacinatara also known as one of the 21 . Ekajati is along with deity is one of the most powerful and fierce of . Ekajati is the protector of secret and "as the mother of the mothers of all the " represents the ultimate unity.  She is the most important protector of the Vajrayana , especially the and terms. The of the Deity Ekajati In this .

Explaining Gelug Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism

The is the newest of the schools of . It was founded by a philosopher and . Gelug Lineage's field for the Accumulation of Merit with Tsongkapa at the Center is surrounded by the incarnation lineage above and with meditational deities, Confession , and protectors below. In the Gelug Tradition of Tibetan , there are numerous Field types distinguished both by the central figure .

Interpreting Buddhist Invincible God Ajita

Ajita is the 2nd from the set of 16 great arhats. Ajita is known as ma Pham in , Sthavira Ajita in . The Life of the Ajita Ajita had all the signs of great virtue. He and the daughter of Prasenajit fell in and, even though he was a commoner, Ajita gradually proved his worthiness to the king and they were married. The explained that in a past life they had made .

Interpreting Panchen Lama

Lobzang Palden is known as the who was born in 1738 in Tashitse, Shang district, Tsang Province. is one of the most important figures in the tradition, with its spiritual authority second only to . The Viability of the Panchen In this portion, we are going to learn about the viability of the Panchen Lama. After that short etymological description of the word Panchen Lama itself, and finally .

Explaining Siddha Virupa – The Lord of Yoga

Virupa is also known as Yogeshvara. Virupa is surrounded by students and lineage teachers. Siddha Virupa is especially known as the source of the system held by the school and is thus seen as the Indian founder of their lineage.  The life of Siddha Virupa In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Siddha Virupa, after te short etymological description of the word Siddha Virupa itself. Etymology of Siddha Virupa Virupa is known .