About Simhamukha

In Tibetan Buddhism, Siṃhamukhā or Siṃhavaktra, also known as the Lion Face Dakini or Lion-headed Dakini, is a wisdom dakini of the Dzogchen tradition. She is represented as a fierce dakini with the head of a snow lion. Her mouth is depicted with a roar, symbolizing untamed fury and jubilant laughter. Her roar disperses discursive thoughts. She is naked, symbolizing that she herself is completely free of discursive thought.

Products related to Simhamukha

Simhamukha Yogini The Female Tantric Buddha

is a tutelary deity arising out of the Chakrasamvara cycle of and belongs to the '' classification. Simhamukha is known as a and the female . Simhamukha is the 8th Century . Life of Simhamukha Yogini In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Simhamukha, after that, the short etymological description of the word Simhamukha itself. Simhamukha is the founder of the sarma school. She is also one .
Temple banner depicting a dancing tantric goddess flanked by bird-headed ḍākinīs

Dakinis – The blissful wisdom of tantric transformation

The concept of the ḍākinī somewhat differs depending on the context and the tradition. In Nepalese and Tibetan Buddhism, can refer to both what can be best described as fierce-looking female embodiments of enlightened energy and to human women with a certain amount of spiritual development, both of which can help Tantric initiates attaining enlightenment. The ḍākinī appears in a Vajrayana formulation of the Buddhist refuge formula known as the Three Roots. Sometimes she .

3rd Panchen Lama – Lobsang Dondrup

Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is the pre-incarnation of the . Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was a . He was posthumously recognized as the third Panchen . Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was born in 1505 AD. Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is known as the lama in life prior to being recognized as the . Life of Lobsang Dondru Lobsang Dondrup was known to have spent more than 20 years meditating in isolated .

Dharmata – Attendant to the 16 Great Arhats

Dharmata is the Upasaka of Central Asian or Chinese origin and the layman attendant to the 16 Great . Dharmata is the of things as they are. Dharmata is the naked, unconditioned truth, the nature of reality, or the true nature of phenomenal existence. Dharmata is called the Upasaka. Dharmata is also known as  Ge yen ta in . Previously, we learned about the life of Dharmata. Now, we are going to learn about the .

Interpreting Parnashavari – Goddess of Natural Healing

is also known as the goddess who protects from a contagious illness. Parnashavari is a deity adopted as a deity of diseases, of which is believed to offer effective protection against outbreaks of epidemics. Parnashavari is called the Mountain Ascetic Wearing Leaves in English. Parnashavari is also known as ri tro ma, lo ma gyun ma in . The of the Parnashavari Parnashavari is a who is yellow in color.  Parnashavari .

Lion Faced Dakini – Singhamukha Yogini

Lion-faced is a secret form of also has a relationship to Troma and the practice of . She is appropriate for clearing obstacles of the most pervasive and malignant kind and cutting through the “” of . This practice has been important in since the of . PeGyal Lingpa received this revelation directly from , appearing in a red-black form, instead of the more common dark blue .

The Lineage Tree – visualization of Refuge Tree

has such a unifying symbol, known variously as a assembly, Field of Merit, or . It is known as a Refuge assembly because it is a visualized gathering of figures representing the three Refuges. It is known as a Field of Merit because by visualizing a great array of figures and then making to them, and by performing other skillful actions, such as committing oneself to the path .