About Vajrayogini

Vajrayogini Thangka
Vajrayoginī is a Tantric Buddhist female Buddha and a ḍākiṇī. Vajrayoginī's essence is "great passion" (maharaga), a transcendent passion that is free of selfishness and illusion — she intensely works for the well-being of others and for the destruction of ego clinging. She is seen as being ideally suited for people with strong passions, providing the way to transform those passions into enlightened virtues.
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Describing Buddhist Deity Vajrayogini in the form of Vajravarahi

appearing in the form of Vajravarahi is one of the most popular female deities found in all traditions of . In this guise, she actually has either a single boar's face, or two faces or heads, two or more hands, and legs, red, yellow, or black in color, standing in a dancing posture, or both legs down. Vajravarahi Vajrayogini is accompanied by 24 , Chakrasamvara above, and two monastic figures below. .
Dorje Neljorma

Vajrayogini Dakini – Origin, Lineages and Iconography

is a deity who is also called as Vajravarahi in , or , a tradition in which she is considered the supreme deity more revered than any male . She represents the path leading to female . She is also a , a term that describes a female supernatural being or an accomplished , and is considered the queen of the dakinis. Her name comes from the , , which means “diamond” or “thunderbolt,” .
A leaf from a Prajñāpāramitā (Perfection of Wisdom) manuscript.

Tibetan Buddhist practices – Schools, sutras & tantras

Apart from classical Mahāyāna Buddhist practices like the six perfections, Tibetan Buddhism also includes tantric practices, such as and the as well as methods which are seen as transcending tantra, like . In Tibetan Buddhism, practices are generally classified as either Sutra (or Pāramitāyāna) or Tantra ( or Mantrayāna), though exactly what constitutes each category and what is included and excluded in each is a matter of debate and .
Temple banner depicting a dancing tantric goddess flanked by bird-headed ḍākinīs

Dakinis – The blissful wisdom of tantric transformation

The concept of the ḍākinī somewhat differs depending on the context and the tradition. In Nepalese and Tibetan Buddhism, can refer to both what can be best described as fierce-looking female embodiments of enlightened energy and to human women with a certain amount of spiritual development, both of which can help Tantric initiates attaining enlightenment. The ḍākinī appears in a Vajrayana formulation of the Buddhist refuge formula known as the Three Roots. Sometimes she .
Seated Buddha, from the Seokguram, Korea

Incarnations of Gautama in Buddhism

was an ascetic and spiritual teacher of South Asia who lived during the latter half of the first millennium BCE. He was the founder of Buddhism and is revered by Buddhists as an Enlightened being whose teachings sought a path to freedom from ignorance, craving, rebirth and suffering. Born in Lumbini in the Newar clan of the Shakya, he spent the majority of his adult life in modern day Nepal and India, .

Worldly Protector deity – Drogdze Wangma

Drogdze Wangmo protector deity was popularized in the 18th and 19th centuries by the Mindrolling Tradition of . Drogdze Wangmo is the avowed protector as worldly deities. Worldly Deities have been sworn by an oath to protect both the of the and his followers. Drogdze Wangmo is known as the Powerful Friend in English. Drogdze Wangmo is also known as the protector of the Terma Tradition. The of the Drogdze Wangmo In the .

Interpreting Buddhist Invincible God Ajita

Ajita is the 2nd from the set of 16 great arhats. Ajita is known as ma Pham in , Sthavira Ajita in . The Life of the Ajita Ajita had all the signs of great virtue. He and the daughter of Prasenajit fell in and, even though he was a commoner, Ajita gradually proved his worthiness to the king and they were married. The explained that in a past life they had made .

Explaining Lama Teacher Jamgon Kongtrul

is known as Jamgon Kongtrul the Great, was a scholar, poet, , physician, terton, and polymath. He was one of the most prominent of the 19th century.  The life of the Jamgon Kongtrul In this portion, we will learn about the life of the  Jamgon Kongtrul. After that, we will present the short etymological description of the Jamgon Kongtrul itself. Etymology of Jamgon Kongtrul Jamgon Kongtrul is known as jam mgon kong sprul blo .

Explaining Lama Teacher Wangdu Nyingpo

is known as the Patriarch of the Khon Family the 32nd Tridzin and also commonly known as the second of this Age. He was a renowned practitioner and Terton finder of Revealed Treasure. Wangdu Nying was a Patriarch of the Khon family. The life of  Wangdu Nyingpo In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Wangdu Nyingpo, after that, the short etymological description of the word Wangdu .