About Kurukullā

Kurukulla is a female deity of the Lotus family, associated with the activity of magnetization or enchantment. She is usually depicted as red in colour, in dancing posture and holding a flowery bow and arrow. She is also one of the Twenty-One Taras mentioned in the ancient Tara tantras.

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18th-century Eastern Tibetan thanka, with the Green Tara (Samaya Tara Yogini) in the center and the Blue, Red, White and Yellow taras in the corners

The common forms of Tara – Karuṇā, Mettā & Shunyata

, Ārya Tārā, or Shayama Tara, also known as Jetsun Dölma is an important figure in Buddhism, especially revered in Tibetan Buddhism. She appears as a female bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism, and as a female Buddha in Vajrayana Buddhism. She is known as the "mother of liberation", and represents the virtues of success in work and achievements. She is known as Duōluó Púsà (多羅菩薩) in Chinese Buddhism, and as Tara Bosatsu (多羅菩薩) in Japan. Tārā is .
Temple banner depicting a dancing tantric goddess flanked by bird-headed ḍākinīs

Dakinis – The blissful wisdom of tantric transformation

The concept of the ḍākinī somewhat differs depending on the context and the tradition. In Nepalese and Tibetan Buddhism, can refer to both what can be best described as fierce-looking female embodiments of enlightened energy and to human women with a certain amount of spiritual development, both of which can help Tantric initiates attaining enlightenment. The ḍākinī appears in a Vajrayana formulation of the Buddhist refuge formula known as the Three Roots. Sometimes she .

Explaining Ganapati Thangka – the Great Red Lord of Hosts

Ganapati is one of the best-known and most worshipped deities in the pantheon. Ganapati is also known as the Great Red Lord of Hosts. Ganesh originated with Brahmanism (Vedism). In , there are two that mention Ganapati, and one with his “” () which can be chanted by anyone. In the sutra, says: Any son or daughter of high birth, whether or nun, lay brother or sister who undertakes any matter .

Lion Faced Dakini – Singhamukha Yogini

Lion-faced is a secret form of also has a relationship to Troma and the practice of . She is appropriate for clearing obstacles of the most pervasive and malignant kind and cutting through the “” of . This practice has been important in since the of . PeGyal Lingpa received this revelation directly from , appearing in a red-black form, instead of the more common dark blue .
White Tara

7 Different forms of White Tara The Autumn Moon

. She is the one form of 21 manifestations of . is also called as Autumn Moon. White Tara and White Tara are probably the most popular representations of Tara. In , White Tara is known as . She is associated with . White Tara counteracts illness and thereby helps to bring about a long life. She embodies the that is and is said to be as white and radiant .

8 Emanations of Ratnasambhava (Male and Female)

is one of the principal in and . He is the head of a group of who carry jewels and are family . Comparatively, Ratnasambhava is unimportant in the pantheon of the Northern , as is evident from the small number of deities that emanate from him. , , , and Ratnasambhava It has already been pointed out that Jambhala and Vasudhara were known long before the were ushered into .
Kalachakra Mandala

Kalachakra – Mandala and Stupas around the world

Kalacakra in a Yi-dam( protector) who turns . Kalacakra is the title of a in one of the divisions of the . It is possible that Kalacakra is a personification of that work. Kalacakra is usually as a with four head on each of which is the . He may have twelve or twenty-four arms but never has more than two legs. In his Yi-dam form, he is dark blue. .