3rd Panchen Lama – Lobsang Dondrup

Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is the pre-incarnation of the . Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was a . He was posthumously recognized as the third Panchen .

Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was born in 1505 AD. Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is known as the lama in life prior to being recognized as the .

Life of Lobsang Dondru

Lobsang Dondrup was known to have spent more than 20 years meditating in isolated caves near the mountains. When he was a young boy Gyalwa Ensapa received many visions of . He also possessed clairvoyance and was able to know that people were about to visit his family even when they were still many days’ journey away.

Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is known as dben Sa Pa blo bzang don grub in .

Iconography of Lobsang Dondrup

In the of Lobsang Dondrup, we are going to learn about his posture, hand and leg gesture, and different representations of Lobsang Dondrup in and statue.

Lobsang Dondrup is elegantly attired in the patched saffron robes of a fully ordained . Lobsang Dondrup wears on the head a yellow flat folded Pandita hat. Lobsang Dondrup has two hands.

The right hand of Lobsang Dondrup holds a to the heart. The left hand of Lobsang Dondrup holds a turned up in the lap. Lobsang Dondrup is on a cushion and backrest of ornate .

He is above a modest square with a side table supporting a plate of wishing jewels and a begging of . There is a kneeling monk in front that offers a solitary blossom against a green pastoral .

Depicting Lama Teacher Lobsang Dondrup Thangka

The thangka of Lama Teacher Lobsang Dondrup is from . The thangka of LamaTeacher Lobsang Dondrup is made between 1800 to 1899 AD. Lama Teacher Lobsang Dondrup is from and lineages. The size of the is 83.82×56.52cm. The base of the painting is mineral pigment on . Currently, this painting is in the .

Vadisimha Manjushri

Vadisimha is at the top center of the thangka. Vadisimha Manjushri is the of the Lions Speech. Vadisimha Manjushri is performing the gesture of while holding the stems of two flower blossoms supporting a sword and book.

Vadisimha Manjushri is seated on a white above a blue lion with an orange flowing mane.

Yellow Parnashavari

Yellow is presented to the left of the thangka. Yellow Parnashavari is known as the goddess who prevents contagious disease. Yellow Parnashavari has three faces and six hands. Yellow Parnashavari is attired in fresh forest leaves.

Medicine Guru

is presented below the Yellow Parnashavari in the thangka. Medicine Guru is the blue-sapphire Buddha of Healing.


is to the right of the thangka. Simhamukha is blue-black in color. Simhamukha is a wrathful Lion Faced .

Simhamukha is holding a curved knife and skullcap. Simhamukha is surrounded by the of pristine awareness.

Shakyamuni Buddha

is presented below the Simhamukha in the thangka. Shakyamuni Buddha is the teacher of this age. Shakyamuni Buddha is the first of the Three Jewels.

Two Lamas

TwoLamas is presented t the bottom to the left and right of the thangka. They are in a seated position. Two are wearing monastic robes performing gestures of blessing and explication. They are resting on cushion seats.

Lobsang Dondrup with Chokyi Dorje Thangka

The thangka of Lama Teacher Lobsang Dondrup with Chokyi Dorje is from Tibet. The thangka of Lama Teacher Lobsang Dondrup with Chokyi Dorje is made between 1800 to 1899 AD. Lama Teacher Lobsang Dondrup is from Gelug and Kadam lineages.  The base of the painting is ground mineral pigment on cotton.

Chokyi Dorje is presented at the top left of the thangka.  Chokyi Dorje is in a rainbow sphere. Chokyi Dorje was born near the Tanak Dorjeden in 1457 to two wandering ascetics from the Tsongkha region of Amdo.

His father was named Kunga Gyelpo and his mother was Peldzom. He spent his childhood on pilgrimage, ending at age eleven when his parents brought him to Ganden Namgyeling.

Mahachakra Vajrapani

is presented at the top right of the thangka. Mahachakra is known as chag na dor je kor lo chen poin Tibet. Mahachakra Vajrapani is known as The Great Wheel Vajra Holder in English.

Yama Dharmaraja

is presented at the bottom right of the thangka. Dharmaraja is a Buddhist wisdom deity. Yama Dharmaraja is known as a protector of the Method Class (father) of Anuttaryoga specifically used by those engaged in the practices of the Tantra.

Both Vajrabhairava and Yamadharmaraja are wrathful emanations of Manjushri. Vajrabhairava and Yamadharmaraja are in literature but a tantric deity in .

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