Products related to Vajrabhairava

Explaining Vajrabhairava

with the consort Vetali surrounded by the main protectors of the Gelugpa School. Vajrabhairava is also called as . He is a meditational deity of the Classification of . As the supreme meditational deity of the Tradition Vajrabhairava is also looked upon as the Lord or . The life of Vajrabhairava In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Vajrabhairava, after the short etymological description of .

3rd Panchen Lama – Lobsang Dondrup

Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is the pre-incarnation of the . Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was a . He was posthumously recognized as the third Panchen . Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was born in 1505 AD. Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is known as the lama in life prior to being recognized as the . Life of Lobsang Dondru Lobsang Dondrup was known to have spent more than 20 years meditating in isolated .

Explaining Gelug Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism

The is the newest of the schools of . It was founded by a philosopher and . Gelug Lineage's field for the Accumulation of Merit with Tsongkapa at the Center is surrounded by the incarnation lineage above and with meditational deities, Confession , and protectors below. In the Gelug Tradition of Tibetan , there are numerous Field types distinguished both by the central figure .

Interpreting Panchen Lama

Lobzang Palden is known as the who was born in 1738 in Tashitse, Shang district, Tsang Province. is one of the most important figures in the tradition, with its spiritual authority second only to . The Viability of the Panchen In this portion, we are going to learn about the viability of the Panchen Lama. After that short etymological description of the word Panchen Lama itself, and finally .

Interpreting Guhyasamaja

Guhyasamaja is also known as Akshobhyavajra. Guhyasamaja is also known as the foremost tutelary deity. Foremost tutelary deity is the Method-father class of . The life of Guhyasamaja In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Guhyasamaja.after after the short etymological description of the word Guhyasamajaa itself, and finally, we will highlight the . Etymology of Guhyasamaja Guhyasamaja is known as Gsang ’dus rtsa rgyud in . Guhasamaja is one of the .

Interpreting Yama Dharmaraja Thangka

is known as the protector of the cycle of . Dharmaraja is also known as Kalarupa. Yama Dharmaraja is a deity protector of the father class of . The Viability of Yama Dharmaraja In this section, we are going to learn about the Viability of the Yama Dharmaraja. After that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Yama Dharmaraja itself. Etymology of Yama Dharmaraja Yama Dharmaraja is also .
Dorje Neljorma

Vajrayogini Dakini – Origin, Lineages and Iconography

is a deity who is also called as Vajravarahi in , or , a tradition in which she is considered the supreme deity more revered than any male . She represents the path leading to female . She is also a , a term that describes a female supernatural being or an accomplished , and is considered the queen of the dakinis. Her name comes from the , , which means “diamond” or “thunderbolt,” .

Yidam – Peaceful and Wrathful Buddhist deities

In , it will not be long before to hear someone talk about their . Especially if they have been meditating for some years you will gather from the way they talk that it is something of the greatest importance for them. This word literally means oath, , or promise, and connotes the deity to whose you are committed to whom you are linked by a promise or vow, .

Highest Price Mandala – Rakta Yamari worth $45 million

There has been a record that a was sold for $45 million. The is the artwork from . How much was the sold? In the year 2014, there was an auction held in for the and different other artworks. The tapestry was sold to a Shanghai tycoon for $45 million (HK$348 million) at auction in Hong Kong. when seen from a distance the thangka is a shade of red and gold .