About Lama

Lama is a title for a teacher of the Dharma in Tibetan Buddhism. The name is similar to the Sanskrit term guru and in use it is similar, but not identical to the western monastic rank of abbot.
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108 Verses Praising Great Compassion By Lama Lobsang Tayang

This translation of 108 Verses Praising is of the renowned Lobsang Tayang's . He was a highly esteemed interpreter of the Gelugpa tradition, and his writings cover a wide range of literature, , logic and . About Lama Lobsang Tayang was born in 1867 in the Gobi desert, was renowned for his vast of . He was compared to the Indian pandit Ashvagosha, author of the “50 Verses .
Dalai Lama speaking on the first day of his teaching on Chandrakirti 2022

The Dalai Lama’s views on the Madhyamaka

This article is about the 's on the The  also referred as "". It is based on the belief that all things are interconnected and interdependent, and that therefore no one thing can be considered in isolation. The Dalai 's views on the "Middle Way" This article discusses the Dalai Lama's views on the Middle Way Approach, a which advocates for a balanced and moderate approach to life. While addressing the congregation at the .
Tsongkhapa Lobsang Drakpa

Well-known Lamas in Tibetan Buddhism

is a title for a teacher of the Dharma in Tibetan Buddhism. The name is similar to the Sanskrit term guru, meaning "heavy one", endowed with qualities the student will eventually embody. The Tibetan word "Lama" means "highest principle", and less literally "highest mother" or "highest parent" to show close relationship between teacher and student. This is a list of some well-known Lamas in Tibetan .

The Dalai Lama Lineage through the Himalayan Arts

is the most recent in the huge line of lraders of branch of . He is considered to be an exemplification of or , the of , and thus the defender of . are realized beings inspired by a wish to realize for the advantage of all sentient beings, who have vowed to be reborn within the planet to help humanity. In 1578 the Mongol ruler Altan .
1st Karmapa Dusum Khyenpa Thangka Painting

1st Karmapa Lama – Dusum Kyenpa

Dusum Khyenpa is known as the 1st . Dusum Khyenpa is the founder of the (Kamtsang) branch of the Tradition. Dusum Khyenpa was born in Kham He served as Abbot of after and founded the . He is becoming the seat of the incarnate Karmapa . Dusum Khyenpa was the founder of the school and of its three main : Kampo Nenang Gon in 1164, Karma Gon .

3rd Panchen Lama – Lobsang Dondrup

Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is the pre-incarnation of the . Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was a . He was posthumously recognized as the third Panchen . Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup was born in 1505 AD. Gyalwa Ensapa Lobzang Dondrup is known as the lama in life prior to being recognized as the . Life of Lobsang Dondru Lobsang Dondrup was known to have spent more than 20 years meditating in isolated .

Top 50 Books of His Holiness 14th Dalai Lama

The are believed to be an exemplification of or , the of , and therefore the defender of . are realized beings inspired by a wish to achieve for the advantage of all sentient beings, who have vowed to be reborn within the world to assist humanity. His Holiness the Dalai is widely known as ’s preeminent spiritual and teacher, embodying the very best aspirations of this .

Tibetan spiritual leader – Lama Dragpa Gyaltsen

Dragpa Gyaltsen was a and the third of the Five Patriarchs of . He was also known as the of the famous . Dragpa Gyaltsen was a Tibetan spiritual leader and the third of the Five Sakya Patriarchs of Tibet. He was also the guru of the famous Sakya Pandita. Dragpa Gyaltsen was born in 1147. Dragpa Gyaltsen is known as rje Btsun Grags pa Rgyal mtshan in Tibet. Jetsun Drakpa .

Explaining Lama Teacher Sakya Pandita Kunga Gyaltsen

PanditaKunga Gyeltsen was a and scholar and the fourth of the Five Sakya Forefathers. He is held in the tradition to have been an emanation of Manjusri, the embodiment of the of all the . The Viability of Kunga Gyaltsen In this portion, we are going to talk about the life of Sakya PanditaKunga Gyeltsen. After a short etymological description of the word Sakya PanditaKunga Gyeltsen itself, we will .

Interpreting Lama Teacher Sonam Lhundrup

Lowo Khenchen was the son of the 2nd Mustang Agon Sangpo and traveled to Central several to at the great and . The viability of the Sonam Lhundrup In this portion, we are going to grab about the viability of the Sonam Lhundrup. After that, we will present the short etymological description of the Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup itself. Etymology of Sonam Lhundrup Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrup is known .