The 7 Chakras and the Healing Power within us

The is a word meaning wheel or a . It is the center of the energy, the focal point from where energy flows. It is believed to be the life force or that constantly moves inside us.


The earliest appearance of the Chakra is found in Vedic literature, in the scripture. Not to get confused with energy centers, it first appeared as Chakravartin or the who “turns of his empire” in all directions starting from the center. The center point of the wheel represents the influence and power of the great king.

After their appearances in Vedas, the are next found in the Shri Jabala Darshana Upanishad, the , the , and the . Then the great described Charkas to his devotees in the form of . It is popularly known as .

Over the concept of chakra kept on changing and the most popular form practiced today is seven in our system.

Seven Chakras In Our Body

These seven chakras start from the base of our spine to the crown of our head. Balancing each one of chakra will help us heal completely and one can attend a higher level of . Here are the seven chakras and let’s know what each of them signifies.

The |

It is the Chakra 1 and is connected to the element. Situated at the base of the spine, it provides the foundation on which we build our life. The Root Chakra, Muladhara is derived from two Sanskrit words: Mula meaning “root” and Adhara, which means “support” or “base.”

The basic characteristics and functions of the root chakra are:

  • Security, safety
  • Survival
  • Basic needs (food, sleep, shelter, self-preservation, etc.)
  • Physicality, physical identity and aspects of self
  • Grounding
  • Support and foundation for living our lives

Imbalance in the root chakra may lead to a feeling of anxiety disorders, , or nightmares. Physical imbalances may manifest as problems in the colon, with the bladder, with elimination, or with lower back, leg, or feet issues.

While is the first choice to balance any chakras, these might help one to balance the root chakra:

The Sacral ChakraSvadhisthana

It is the chakra 2 and is connected to the element. Situated slightly below the navel at the center of the lower belly, it is linked with the emotional body, sensuality, and creativity and is directly associated with the lymphatic system.

Svadhisthana is a Sanskrit word; Sva means “one’s own” and adhisthana means “dwelling place or residence,” literally meaning, “One’s own residence.”

The following are the psychological and behavioral functions of sacral chakra:

  • Emotions,
  • Relationships, relating
  • Expression of sexuality, sensual pleasure
  • Feeling the outer and inner worlds
  • Creativity
  • Fantasies

The one who has balanced sacral chakra feels a connection with everyone in the . The imbalance might cause feeling plenty of shame, guilt, or internal pain.

These yoga asanas might help one to balance the Sacral Chakra:

  • Butterfly Pose
  • Upavista Konasana
  • Sleeping Swan Pose
  • Utthita Trikonasana
  • Natarajasana

The Solar Plexus | Manipura

It is the chakra 3 and is connected to the element. Situated in the solar plexus area (upper part of the belly, where the diaphragm rests), it is associated with and emotional responses, healthy boundaries, and being with own. Its physical association is with digestive function. The Sanskrit name for the solar plexus is Manipura  which means “city of jewels” or “seat of gems.”

The third chakra is associated with the following characteristics:

  • Will, personal power
  • Taking responsibility for one’s life, taking control
  • Mental abilities, the intellect
  • Forming personal opinions and beliefs
  • Making decisions, setting the direction
  • Clarity of judgments

The imbalance might make a person too assertive, manipulative on every single thing, misuse of the power.

The yoga asanas that are helpful in balancing solar plexus are:

The Heart |  Anahata

It is the chakra 4 and is connected to the element. Situated in the center of the chest, it is associated with the feeling of , and the principles of transformation and integration. is a Sanskrit word meaning the melodious sound created without any two things striking, as well as unstuck, unhurt, fresh, and clean. 

The psychological characteristics of the are:

  • Capacity to love
  • Integration, bridging earthly and spiritual aspirations
  • Transcending personal identity and limitations of the ego
  • the feeling of and connection with all
  • Appreciation of good and beautiful things in others
  • Experiencing deep and meaningful relationships

The imbalance causes being too defensive, feeling of jealousy, isolation.

Among many other , these yoga asanas might come handy in balancing the heart chakra:

  • Cobra
  • Camel
  • Cat/Cow
  • Upward Dog
  • Bridge and Wheel

The | Vishuddha

It is the chakra 5 and is connected to the element sound. It is situated at the center of the neck at the level of the throat. It is the channel that transmits the energy between the lower part of the body and the head. It is associated with the principle of expression and communication. In Sanskrit this chakra is also known as Vishuddha, meaning .

The behavioral characteristic of the throat chakra are:

  • Ability to express freely
  • Communication, verbal/non-verbal or of any kind
  • Ability to create, projecting ideas and blueprints into reality
  • One can realize your purpose
  • Good sense of timing

The imbalance causes no to listen to others, you only want to express yourself, or fear of speaking, feeling of shyness.

Chanting is one of the best ways to heal Throat Chakra, this yoga also helps in balancing it:

  • Neck rolls
  • Matsyasana
  • Salamba Sarvangasana
  • Purvottanasana
  • Child’s pose

The (or Brow Chakra) | Ajna

It is the chakra 6 and is connected with the supreme element. Situated in between the eyebrow, it is the center of the intuition. It is associated with the principle of and imagination. Its Sanskrit name is Ajana meaning to perceive, to command.

The is associated with the following psychological and behavioral characteristics:

  • Vision
  • Intuition
  • Access to mystical states, illumination
  • A deep connection to , insight
  • Encourages inspiration and creativity

The imbalance in the brow chakra might cause one feeling stuck in small problems, rejecting spiritual wisdom and , no clarity in .

Chanting Om Namah Shivaya is one of the methods of strengthening the third eye chakra. These yoga asanas are also helpful in balancing it:

  • Uttanasana
  • Janu Sirsasana
  • Makarasana
  • Trataka

The Crown | Sahasrara

It is the chakra 7 and has no connection with any element. It is directly connected to the thought. Situated at the top of the head gives us access to higher dimensions of .  In Sanskrit, the is named as Sahasrara (meaning ‘thousand-fold’ Chakra), since it is portrayed as a having thousand white petals.

The psychological and behavioral characteristics associated with the crown chakra are:

  • Consciousness
  • A feeling of immense bliss
  • Being in the present moment

The imbalance causes being disconnected to , disconnection with body or on the spiritual matter only.

Being connected with wisdom or the can balance the crown chakra. These yoga asanas are also helpful:

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