About Feelings

In Dharma, feelings encompass the array of sensory and emotional experiences arising from mental states and external stimuli. Rooted in the interplay of perception and cognition, feelings manifest as sensations of pleasure, pain, or neutrality. They serve as crucial indicators of one's karmic disposition and mental state, guiding ethical conduct and spiritual growth. Through mindfulness and introspection, practitioners observe feelings without attachment or aversion, recognizing their impermanent nature and cultivating equanimity amidst life's fluctuations.
Tara Brach
Mindful - Healthy mind, healthy life
Buddhist Society of Western Australia
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The Art of cultivating stillness

The Art of cultivating stillness

In Asian and movement practices, stillness is not just the absence of movement, it is seen as a powerful presence that infuses movement with depth and significance. An integral part of the movement It is truly captivating when , Noh actor, bugaku dancers or Balinese dancers pause in their performances because the stillness they exhibit is an integral part of the movement itself. This can be observed in Japanese Noh actors and Sufi dervishes .
Marathon Monk art

The Spiritual Athlete’s Path to Enlightenment

Throughout this world, there are many mysterious and amazing feats that can be found. People are capable of doing most incredible things that we have never deemed possible. Only by truly believing in ourselves can we accomplish what were thought as impossible goals. Marathon of In Mount Hiei of , there can be found a small group of who live in a and can accomplish many remarkable challenges. This mountain had .

Tibetan Mandala tantric practices & benefits

practices are used to cultivate and generate energy, and to bring about transformation and . Tibetan Mandala as a can be created with a variety of materials commonly including sand, paint or fabric (appliqué). According to the Tibetan the mandala is a tool for working with the energies of the cosmos including : the bodythe mindthe In other words, the mandala can help control inner by accessing and channeling .

Vajrapani Mantra – Om Vajrapani Hum

is the who represents the energy of the , and his also symbolizes that . The mantra is Vajrapani Hum. Who is Vajrapani? Vajrapani Vajrapani is one of the earliest appearing in . Vajrapni represents the power aspect of complete . Vajrapani is extensively represented in as one of the earliest three protective or bodhisattvas surrounding the . In , Vajrapani is known as  Chag a dor .

All you need to know About Navaratri – Durga Puja

Navaratri, the word for "nine nights", also called is a major festival held in for the honor of the divine feminine. There are two festivals of Navaratri: Chaitra Navaratri and Sharad Navaratri or Maha Navaratri. Chaitra Navaratri occurs during the spring season. Navami, the birthday of great Lord Rama, usually falls on the ninth day of Chaitra Navaratri and thus, Chaitra Navaratri is also known as Ram Navaratri. In the .
singing bowl therapy

All you need to know about Singing Bowls

are a mysterious combination of , science, , and sound an connection for humanity. This rich mesh of qualities makes for many different paths of enjoyment. of Singing also known as , , DhoniPatra(sound, vessel), and suzu gongs are used for , healing purpose, sound , purpose, sound yoga, sound meditation with chantings, which have great medicinal and used from ancient .

How to draw a Mandala?

Drawing is fun. When you are trying to create something new relax and think echo of your soul and the surroundings. and giving shape to the can be a new experience in your life which can help to explore yourself and find the , colors, and patterns to represent your current state of to your most deeply-desired wish for yourself, for a loved one, or for humanity. You can a mandala .

Throat Chakra – Express your authentic voice

The  is the fifth , also known as the Vishuddha Chakra, is the energy center located between the collarbones and the larynx in the neck. There are seven major in the internal system of the human that align the flow of our  (energy). If one of the is imbalanced, it can cause illness or disease. , , and can assist with chakra imbalances and blockages. The Throat Chakra is associated with our ability .
Root Chakra Mandala

Root Chakra – Primary energy storage

The is also called in which is primary energy . It is located at the base of the spine in the vicinity of the coccygeal plexus beneath the sacrum. It is associated with your most basic survival needs. Where is root is located on the ? Muladhara is located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra is responsible for your sense .