About Purification

purification is the process to purify the personality of the Buddhist practitioner so that all moral and character defilements and defects (kleshas such as anger, ignorance, and lust) are wiped away and Nirvana can be obtained.
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The phenomena of purification

Previously we talked about Initiation and Appendages in now we are describing the phenomena of . Indicating the phenomena of purification As has been explained by the verses, ‘Those of the Vajra lineage should definitely take life; those of the sword should speak untrue words,’ in both conventional and ultimate explanations. Dropping the tooth stick and distributing blessed The tooth stick should come from a sappy tree and should measure twelve finger-widths in length. It should .

Tibetan Mandala tantric practices & benefits

practices are used to cultivate and generate energy, and to bring about transformation and . Tibetan Mandala as a can be created with a variety of materials commonly including sand, paint or fabric (appliqué). According to the Tibetan the mandala is a tool for working with the energies of the cosmos including : the bodythe mindthe In other words, the mandala can help control inner by accessing and channeling .

The Amitabha Buddha Mantra Banner

In , a form of East Asian , is the most important . Amitabha is distinguished in for his , which attracts Western characteristics such as discernment, pure , and of the aggregates, as well as a deep awareness of the emptiness of all occurrences. Who is ? Amitabha Buddha is also known as Buddha. According to , Amitabha Buddha is a celestial buddha. Amitabha Buddha The .

The Vajrasattva Mantra Banner

HUM. The Vajrasattva represents primordial . We can clean our of , , and delusion by meditating on him. He carries a thunderbolt in his heart, which signifies his upaya, or talent in liberating via . Who is Vajrasattva? Vajrasattva is a significant figure in the of the Valley's . He is commonly invoked in the maala, which is the fundamental for all other  .

The 9 Vehicles of Nyingma Tradition By Alak Zenkar Rinpoche

Our teacher, the fourth guide of this fortunate eon, the incomparable lord of sages, Sakyamuni, gave infinite as means to enter the of the causal and resultant vehicles, in accordance with the particular temperaments, spiritual faculties, and attitudes of disciples. Nevertheless, they may all be included within the three vehicles, which, in turn, may be further subdivided into nine successive stages. The General says: The ultimate definitive vehicle Certainly appears as three in number: The .

Worldly Protector – Pehar Gyalpo

is known as the and the Daemon Pehar. Pehar Gyalpo is a non- protector who is invited to by and bound by an oath to protect all the centers. Pehar Gyalpo is a belonging to the Gyalpo class. Life of Pehar Gyalpo Pehar Gyalpo is the leader of a band of five and would later become the protector deity of in the .
Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga – Origin, Benefits and Asanas

is the tradition most familiar to Western . The term is derived from the ha, meaning "," and tha, meaning "moon." The practice aims to unite the active and receptive qualities represented by each celestial being. Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga. In , hatha yoga is associated with popular tradition with the of the Natha through its founder Matsyendranath. Almost all Hatha yogic texts belong to .

Interpreting Bodhisattva Samantabhadra Buddha

is known as Universal Worthy is a in associated with practice and . Samantabhadra is most commonly described as a bodhisattva himself, although some Buddhist traditions, namely the Nyingmapa, regard him as a primordial in indivisible union with his consort Samantabhadri. The Life of Samantabadra Buddha In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Samantabhadra Buddha. After that, we will learn the short etymological .

Explaining Mandala of Chakrasamvara

Chakrasamvara is also known as the Thirteen Deity Samvarodaya Chakrasamvara.  Chakrasamvara is from the Shri Maha Sambarodaya Tantraraja. The Esse of Chakrasamvara In this section, we are going to learn about the ease of Chakrasamvara, after that the short etymological description of the word Chakrasamvara itself. Etymology of Chakrasamvara Chakrasamvara s known as khor lo dem Chog lha chu sum Gyi Kyil kor in . Chakrasamvara is one of the most popular deities in . Chakrasamvara .
Hevajra Mandala

Interpreting Enlightened Yidam Hevajra

is one of the main in or . Hevajra's consort is . The life of Hevajra In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Hevajra, after that we will learn the short etymological description of the word Hevajra itself. Etymology of Hevajra Hevajra is known as pal Gye pa dor JE lha Gu'i Khyil kor in . Earlier, we learn about the life of Hevajra. Now, we are going to learn .