About Sun

The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. It is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, with internal convective motion that generates a magnetic field.
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Marathon Monk art

The Spiritual Athlete’s Path to Enlightenment

Throughout this world, there are many mysterious and amazing feats that can be found. People are capable of doing most incredible things that we have never deemed possible. Only by truly believing in ourselves can we accomplish what were thought as impossible goals. Marathon of In Mount Hiei of , there can be found a small group of who live in a and can accomplish many remarkable challenges. This mountain had .
What is Downward Facing Dog Pose?

What is Downward Facing Dog Pose?

Downward Dog Pose and Downward-facing Dog Pose is also known as Adho Mukha Shvanasana. Downward-facing Dog Pose is an inversion in as exercise which is often practiced as part of a flowing sequence of poses especially which means the Salute to the . The asana does not have formally named variations but several playful variants are used to assist beginning practitioners to become comfortable in the pose. Downward Dog stretches .

Ram Mandir and the legend of Battisputali

There were scupltures of fairies placed inside the inner walls of Ram Mandir which led to the place being called Battisputali (32 fairies with butterfly wings). There is an enthralling story behind the fairies installed here. The epic Ramayana written by Valmiki has captivated people from all over the world for centuries. is believed to be the seventh incarnation of Lord . He is worshipped by from all over .

All about Guhyasamaja Tantra

Guhyasamja is one of 's most fascinating, difficult, and essential personalities. It combines various important , into one sculpture. It is predominantly is call Akshobhayavajara which is the form of Akshobhaya buddha. Guhyasamja is the foremost meditational deity of the Method-father class of . Guhyasamaja has two main traditions, the Arya () Lineage, and the Jnana (Jnanapada) Lineage. There are three principal iconographic of Guhyasamaja; Akshobhyavajra (blue), (orange), .

Top 100 quotes by Buddha

Prince was born in the 5th or 6th Century BC in . In his 20s, the prince experienced realities of the outside world that led him on a quest for . He left the palace to search for it and eventually attained enlightenment. It was then that he became . Until he died at the age of 80, Buddha taught many people how to achieve enlightenment. His doctrines eventually became what is known .

Sitatapatra – Goddess of the White Parasol

is known as a protector against supernatural danger in . She is venerated in both the and traditions. She is also known as Sitatapatra. Sitatapatra is a powerful independent deity emanated by from his Usnisa. Sitatapatra is known as   Dug Kar mo in . and Sitatapatra is also known as The , Crown Ornament of the in English. of Sitatapatra Sitatapatra is white in color with 1000 faces, .

Deity and Divinities of Nyingma Tradition

Tradition is the old school of is the name given to the followers of those original translations of the of the into . The Nyingma teachings are divided into the Long Transmission (Tib. ring gyü) of the and the Short Transmission (Tib. nyé gyü) of Terma; other teachings were received by directly in Pure Visions (Tib. dak nang) from or , in experiences or in dreams. Particular to .
Black Mahakala Statue Real Gold and Thangka Color

All about Wisdom Protector – Mahakala

is a male deity. He is the protector deity known as a in , especially most traditions, in Tangmi and in Japanese Esoteric . Maha literally translates as great and Kala signifies or death, hence Mahakala means "beyond the time" or "Great Black One". Mahakala is a protector deity and specifically the primary Protector of and . In some cases, Mahakala can also be a meditational .

The power of all Buddhas – Vajrapani Krodha

Krodha has five according to a lineage. Vajrapani Krodha is known as a wrathful meditational deity. Vajrapani Krodh is representing the power of all . The reverse of the of Krodha Vajrapani is decorated with a drawing of a to represent the of all ones. Each of the figures of human teachers and is mar marked with the three letters, ' ah hum', representing the  .

Describing Buddhist Deity Vajrayogini in the form of Vajravarahi

appearing in the form of Vajravarahi is one of the most popular female deities found in all traditions of . In this guise, she actually has either a single boar's face, or two faces or heads, two or more hands, and legs, red, yellow, or black in color, standing in a dancing posture, or both legs down. Vajravarahi Vajrayogini is accompanied by 24 , Chakrasamvara above, and two monastic figures below. .