About Yidam

Yidam is a type of deity associated with tantric or Vajrayana Buddhism said to be manifestations of Buddhahood or enlightened mind
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Hevajra Mandala

Interpreting Enlightened Yidam Hevajra

is one of the main in or . Hevajra's consort is . The life of Hevajra In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Hevajra, after that we will learn the short etymological description of the word Hevajra itself. Etymology of Hevajra Hevajra is known as pal Gye pa dor JE lha Gu'i Khyil kor in . Earlier, we learn about the life of Hevajra. Now, we are going to learn .

Yidam – Peaceful and Wrathful Buddhist deities

In , it will not be long before to hear someone talk about their . Especially if they have been meditating for some years you will gather from the way they talk that it is something of the greatest importance for them. This word literally means oath, , or promise, and connotes the deity to whose you are committed to whom you are linked by a promise or vow, .
An 18th century Mongolian miniature which depicts a monk generating a tantric visualization.

Vajrayana practices – The tantric samaya vows

along with Mantrayāna, Guhyamantrayāna, Tantrayāna, Secret Mantra, Tantric Buddhism, and Esoteric Buddhism are names referring to Buddhist traditions associated with Tantra and "Secret Mantra". Practitioners of Vajrayāna need to abide by various tantric vows or pledges called samaya. These are extensions of the rules of the Prātimokṣa and Bodhisattva vows for the lower levels of tantra, and are taken during initiations into the empowerment for a particular Unsurpassed Yoga Tantra. The special tantric vows .

Explaining Buddhist Protector Four Faced Mahakala – Chaturmukha Thangka

Depicting , Chaturmukha who was known as the Four-faced Great Black One. Mahakala was associated with the Guhyasamaja along with the Twenty-five and Fifty Chapter Mahakala Tantras. The Life of Chaturmukha Mahakala In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Mahakala, after that, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Mahakala itself. Etymology of Chaturmukha Mahakala Earlier, we learn about the life of Caturmukha Mahakala. Now, we are going .
Lama Teacher Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje

Explaining Lama Teacher Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje

Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje was known as of the Drukpa school, well known for his and said to have been an emanation of . The Viability of Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje In this section, we are going to learn about the viability of Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje. And after that, we will learn about the short etymological description. Etymology of Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje is known as Rgod tshang pa mgon po rdo rje .

Explaining Mandala of Chakrasamvara

Chakrasamvara is also known as the Thirteen Deity Samvarodaya Chakrasamvara.  Chakrasamvara is from the Shri Maha Sambarodaya Tantraraja. The Esse of Chakrasamvara In this section, we are going to learn about the ease of Chakrasamvara, after that the short etymological description of the word Chakrasamvara itself. Etymology of Chakrasamvara Chakrasamvara s known as khor lo dem Chog lha chu sum Gyi Kyil kor in . Chakrasamvara is one of the most popular deities in . Chakrasamvara .
White Manjushri Bodhisattva Buddhist Deity

Explaining White Manjushri Bodhisattva Buddhist Deity

White is the of , from the in the tradition of Mati Panchen. An ocean of nectar, white and cool, with many elephants, geese, and waterfowl sporting and playing, calling out with sweet sounds, in the middle of that a with a stem, branches, leaves, fruit and a marvelous sweet fragrance. Above a moon disc seat with cool rays of light shining forth to the ten directions. The Life of .
Dorje Neljorma

Vajrayogini Dakini – Origin, Lineages and Iconography

is a deity who is also called as Vajravarahi in , or , a tradition in which she is considered the supreme deity more revered than any male . She represents the path leading to female . She is also a , a term that describes a female supernatural being or an accomplished , and is considered the queen of the dakinis. Her name comes from the , , which means “diamond” or “thunderbolt,” .

Lion Faced Dakini – Singhamukha Yogini

Lion-faced is a secret form of also has a relationship to Troma and the practice of . She is appropriate for clearing obstacles of the most pervasive and malignant kind and cutting through the “” of . This practice has been important in since the of . PeGyal Lingpa received this revelation directly from , appearing in a red-black form, instead of the more common dark blue .

The Lineage Tree – visualization of Refuge Tree

has such a unifying symbol, known variously as a assembly, Field of Merit, or . It is known as a Refuge assembly because it is a visualized gathering of figures representing the three Refuges. It is known as a Field of Merit because by visualizing a great array of figures and then making to them, and by performing other skillful actions, such as committing oneself to the path .