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Cultivating inner enlightenment potential through the Tathāgatagarbha

Within the realm of , the of the are not confined to esoteric doctrines and spiritual ideals but are, in fact, deeply rooted in profound insights into the nature of existence and the human condition. One such exploration is found in the and the teachings from the book ", , and " derived from it. This book stands as the third volume in The Library of and .

Top 100 quotes by Buddha

Prince was born in the 5th or 6th Century BC in . In his 20s, the prince experienced realities of the outside world that led him on a quest for . He left the palace to search for it and eventually attained enlightenment. It was then that he became . Until he died at the age of 80, Buddha taught many people how to achieve enlightenment. His doctrines eventually became what is known .

The Vajrasattva Mantra Banner

HUM. The Vajrasattva represents primordial . We can clean our of , , and delusion by meditating on him. He carries a thunderbolt in his heart, which signifies his upaya, or talent in liberating via . Who is Vajrasattva? Vajrasattva is a significant figure in the of the Valley's . He is commonly invoked in the maala, which is the fundamental for all other  .

Deity and Divinities of Nyingma Tradition

Tradition is the old school of is the name given to the followers of those original translations of the of the into . The Nyingma teachings are divided into the Long Transmission (Tib. ring gyü) of the and the Short Transmission (Tib. nyé gyü) of Terma; other teachings were received by directly in Pure Visions (Tib. dak nang) from or , in experiences or in dreams. Particular to .

The 9 Vehicles of Nyingma Tradition By Alak Zenkar Rinpoche

Our teacher, the fourth guide of this fortunate eon, the incomparable lord of sages, Sakyamuni, gave infinite as means to enter the of the causal and resultant vehicles, in accordance with the particular temperaments, spiritual faculties, and attitudes of disciples. Nevertheless, they may all be included within the three vehicles, which, in turn, may be further subdivided into nine successive stages. The General says: The ultimate definitive vehicle Certainly appears as three in number: The .

All you need to know about Brahmarupa Mahakala

Brahmarupa is the outer form of Chaturmukha Mahakala.  He is the special protector of the Guhyasamaja and the 2nd main protector of the School. Brahmarupa, a benign form of the wrathful deity Mahakala, is shown as a bearded nomadic ascetic, sitting on a corpse, wearing a bone apron, and holding a thighbone trumpet and a skull cup. A protector of the Sakya school of , he is credited with introducing the  .

A guide on hand-knotted carpets and their types

Hand-knotted were specially made in to celebrate the birth of a girl by her mother. According to Researchers, started crossing the home in April 1959, within the wake of the ’s flight into exile and landed mostly in and . Tibet carpets historically were practical, everyday objects, woven locally to be used in homes and monasteries where they might over wear out and be discarded. There .

Representation of Dragons in Tibetan Culture

has the largest tradition of Dragon which dates back more than 7000 years. are not just mythical stories or just some curiosities. They are part of life and . The of dragons are everywhere from the beginning of Tibetan and the importance is still up until today. In Tibet, Dragon is considered as one of the dignities. There is a total of four dignities. Tiger, , and the  .
Snow Lion Design in Tibetan Furniture

Tibetan Furnitures – The Greatest Treasure of the Himalayas

According to The Brief of , there was a record of engagement of to build the and in 6BC. Through thousands of years’ handworks of the people, Tibetan furniture has become a unique style, which bears artistic , rich colors, and delicate craft. Tibetan Furniture is one of the greatest treasure which dates 1500 years back. Tibetan Furniture is mostly made up of pine and softwoods i.e. Elm, .

Symbols used in Tibetan Carpets and their Motifs

making is one of the crafts. Those are traditionally made from Highland sheep’s wool called changpen. Tibetan carpets, on were first used for secular, utilitarian purposes, and therefore allowed for a greater range of artistic expression. For hundreds of years, Tibetans have used carpets for decorative and functional purposes, drawing upon geometric patterns, , real and mythical , and imagery to create beautiful, colorful designs and .