About Nechung

Nechung Monastery, Nechung Gompa or Nechung Chok, is the seat of the State Oracle of Tibet.

Products related to Nechung

Worldly Protector Tsangpa Karpo

Karpo is a wrathful of . Tsangpa Karpo was a dynasty that dominated large parts of Tibet from 1565 to 1642. It was the last royal dynasty to rule in its own name. The regime of Tsangpa Karpo was founded by , a low-born retainer of the prince of the Dynasty and governor of Shigatse in Tsang (West-Central Tibet) since 1548. Tsangpa is known as gTsang pa in Tibet. of .

The Dalai Lama Lineage through the Himalayan Arts

is the most recent in the huge line of lraders of branch of . He is considered to be an exemplification of or , the of , and thus the defender of . are realized beings inspired by a wish to realize for the advantage of all sentient beings, who have vowed to be reborn within the planet to help humanity. In 1578 the Mongol ruler Altan .

Worldly Protector – Pehar Gyalpo

is known as the and the Daemon Pehar. Pehar Gyalpo is a non- protector who is invited to by and bound by an oath to protect all the centers. Pehar Gyalpo is a belonging to the Gyalpo class. Life of Pehar Gyalpo Pehar Gyalpo is the leader of a band of five and would later become the protector deity of in the .
Dorje Neljorma

Vajrayogini Dakini – Origin, Lineages and Iconography

is a deity who is also called as Vajravarahi in , or , a tradition in which she is considered the supreme deity more revered than any male . She represents the path leading to female . She is also a , a term that describes a female supernatural being or an accomplished , and is considered the queen of the dakinis. Her name comes from the , , which means “diamond” or “thunderbolt,” .
Pehar Gyelpo

Depicting the Pehar Gyalpo with 3 Geluk Masters

According to myth, Gyalpo Pehar ( : རྒྱལ་པོ་དཔེ་ཧར ) is a belonging to the gyalpo class. When arrived in in the eighth century, he subdued all and put them under control of Gyalpo Pehar, who promised not to harm any sentient beings and was made the chief guardian spirit of during the reign of Trisong Deutsen. The protector deity is depicted with three Geluk above.  .
Shakyamuni with Geluk Masters

Depicting the Painting of Shakyamuni with Geluk Masters

This 18th-century depicts with primordial , and , and Geluk . Painting Chart with Geluk Masters N°1 Maitreya Maitreya is regarded as a future Buddha of this world in eschatology. In some Buddhist literature, such as the and the , he is referred to as Ajita. According to Buddhist tradition, Maitreya is a bodhisattva who will appear on in the future, .