About Prana

In Hindu philosophy including yoga, Indian medicine and Indian martial arts, prana permeates reality on all levels including inanimate objects. In Hindu literature, prana is sometimes described as originating from the Sun and connecting the elements.
Daniel Aitken - Wisdom

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All you need to know about Brahmarupa Mahakala

Brahmarupa is the outer form of Chaturmukha Mahakala.  He is the special protector of the Guhyasamaja and the 2nd main protector of the School. Brahmarupa, a benign form of the wrathful deity Mahakala, is shown as a bearded nomadic ascetic, sitting on a corpse, wearing a bone apron, and holding a thighbone trumpet and a skull cup. A protector of the Sakya school of , he is credited with introducing the  .

Interpreting Buddhist protector Begtse Chen

is known as the main protector for the Hayagriva cycle of practice. Chen is a and the lord of war in origin a pre- war of the . Begtse Chen is known as the Great Coat of Mail in English and Begtse Chen is also known as  Atma in . The of Begtse Chen In the iconography of Begtse Chen, we are going to learn about his picture, .

Five Elements of Human Body

The is made up of five , , , , and . In the same way, a human is also made up of these five elements called panchamahabhuta. The of these five elements is an essential pre-requisite for someone advancing in practice. Whether we know it or not, all yoga practices on the five elements. The foundation of yoga therapy and of  is also a knowledge of these elements (tattwas). Ayurveda uses these elements to .

Health at Your Fingertips – Mudras

A is used in , , , and as a and symbolic gesture. The most well-known mudras are used as a way of channeling the flow of essential life force energy known as during yoga and practice. The term translates as "gesture,"' "mark" or "seal" that is derived from . Although they have been around for thousands of years and have appeared in various and , including , Egyptian .

All you need to know About Navaratri – Durga Puja

Navaratri, the word for "nine nights", also called is a major festival held in for the honor of the divine feminine. There are two festivals of Navaratri: Chaitra Navaratri and Sharad Navaratri or Maha Navaratri. Chaitra Navaratri occurs during the spring season. Navami, the birthday of great Lord Rama, usually falls on the ninth day of Chaitra Navaratri and thus, Chaitra Navaratri is also known as Ram Navaratri. In the .

Gayatri Mantra – The Mother of All Vedas

also called Maha Mantra, which is Great Mantra. The significance of the Gayatri Mantra is that - the 24 letters in the Gayatri Mantra corresponds to the 24 vertebrae of the spine. The backbone is what provides support and stability to our . Similarly, the Gayatri Mantra brings stability to our intellect. Also, these 24 letters are often believed to be a sign of twenty-four powers and abilities. This is why the sages .
What is Yin Yoga?

All you need to know about Yin Yoga – Origin, History, Benefits and Steps

is a slow-paced style of as exercise which is incorporating principles of Chinese with that are held for longer periods of than in other styles. For beginners, asanas may be held from 45 seconds to two minutes or more advanced practitioners may stay in one asana for five minutes or more. The sequences of postures are meant to stimulate the channels of the known as .
Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga – Origin, Benefits and Asanas

is the tradition most familiar to Western . The term is derived from the ha, meaning "," and tha, meaning "moon." The practice aims to unite the active and receptive qualities represented by each celestial being. Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga. In , hatha yoga is associated with popular tradition with the of the Natha through its founder Matsyendranath. Almost all Hatha yogic texts belong to .

All you need to know about Yoga

is a group of physical, mental, and or disciplines which originated in . Yoga is one of the six astika schools of philosophical traditions. There is a broad variety of yoga schools, practices, and goals in , , and . The term "Yoga" in the Western world often denotes a modern form of and yoga as exercise, consisting largely of the postures or . Origin of Yoga The word Yoga .

Throat Chakra – Express your authentic voice

The  is the fifth , also known as the Vishuddha Chakra, is the energy center located between the collarbones and the larynx in the neck. There are seven major in the internal system of the human that align the flow of our  (energy). If one of the is imbalanced, it can cause illness or disease. , , and can assist with chakra imbalances and blockages. The Throat Chakra is associated with our ability .