About Sa-garbha pranayama

Sa-garbha pranayama is defined as the ritual "salutation to twilight.

The Himalayan Yoga Tradation

The Mountains have been the home of sages for millennia. These great sages have lived and passed on of the yogic to disciples who then became passing on the teachings in an unbroken lineage since the . Twelve hundred years ago organized his teaching into five centers of the . As one of those five, our tradition is the Bharati lineage connected with the Shankaracharya at the Shringeri .

The Eight Principle of Raja Yoga

is a system which has been found to be most applicable to the mental and physical conditions in which we live. Raja has eight principles. These are: —non-killing, truthfulness, non-stealing, continence, and non-receiving of any —cleanliness, contentment, mortification, , and self-surrender to good —posture —control of vital forces  —introspection —super- Yama and Niyama constitute the moral training without which no practice of Yoga will succeed. As this moral code becomes established, .