About Thay Thong Phap

Thích Trúc Thông Pháp is a bhikkhu (fully ordained monk) who follows a Vietnamese meditation tradition. He was taught by the Most Venerable Thầy Thích Thanh Từ, a master of the Truc Lam (Bamboo Forest) school. His journey began in Port Adelaide, South Australia and continued on to Tasmania from 2010-2017. Presently, he resides in the Southern Flinders Ranges with a small community of Anglican religious brothers and sisters. He holds a Master’s Degree in Social Sciences (Counselling) and a Diploma in Psychosynthesis. He served as the Buddhist chaplain at the University of Tasmania for four years before being employed as the Buddhist chaplain at Oasis, the multifaith chaplaincy centre at Flinders University, SA.
Association of Engaged Buddhists - AU