About Yaksha

Yaksha/Yakshi is male and female nature spirits of India, of classical Indian literature and folk beliefs.

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The Five Wisdom Kings is the most important grouping of Wisdom Kings (Vidyaraja)

Buddhist deities – Conceptual and metaphoric refuge

Buddhism includes a wide array of divine beings that are venerated in various ritual and popular contexts. Initially they included mainly Indian figures such as devas, asuras and , but later came to include other Asian spirits and local gods. They range from enlightened Buddhas to regional spirits adopted by Buddhists or practiced on the margins of the religion. The Pali Canon and others suggest that the Buddha taught that belief in a Creator deity .

Vajrapani Mantra – Om Vajrapani Hum

is the who represents the energy of the , and his also symbolizes that . The mantra is Vajrapani Hum. Who is Vajrapani? Vajrapani Vajrapani is one of the earliest appearing in . Vajrapni represents the power aspect of complete . Vajrapani is extensively represented in as one of the earliest three protective or bodhisattvas surrounding the . In , Vajrapani is known as  Chag a dor .

Fierce Buddhist Deity – Black Hayagriva

Black Hayagriva is the wrathful activity deity of () Family of . Black Hayagriva is a fierce activity deity of the Family. Black Hayagriva is from the Revealed Treasure Tradition of Chowang. Black Hayagriva is known as tam drin in . Black Hayagriva is also known as the Black Horse Necked One in English. of Black Hayagriva In the iconography of Black Hayagriva, we are going to learn about his  .

Explaining Gelug Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism

The is the newest of the schools of . It was founded by a philosopher and . Gelug Lineage's field for the Accumulation of Merit with Tsongkapa at the Center is surrounded by the incarnation lineage above and with meditational deities, Confession , and protectors below. In the Gelug Tradition of Tibetan , there are numerous Field types distinguished both by the central figure .

Explaining Buddhist Elder Vanavasin

Vanavasin the Elder is the 3rd from the set of 16 great arhats. Vanavasin is also known as presides over the Seven Leaves Mountain with four hundred disciples. The life of the Vanavasin In this section, we are going to learn about the life of Vanavasin. And after, we will learn about the short etymological description of the word Vanavasin itself. Etymology of Vanavasin Vanavasin is known as Pag pa Ne ten, nag la Ne in . .

Interpreting Medicine Buddha

is also known as Prabha Raja. is also called the of Lapis Lazuli or Sapphire Light. The Viability of Medicine Buddha In this portion, we are going to learn about the viability of Medicine Buddha. After that, we will learn the short etymological description of the word Medicine Buddha itself. Etymology of Medicine Buddha Medicine Buddha is called Bhaishajyagur in .  Medicine Buddha is also known as sang Gye men la in .
mandala pratisara

Intrepreting Mandala of Pratisara

Pratisara and the Pancha is also known as Fifty-six Deity . is a belonging to the and sects. She is sometimes presented as the consort of . The life of Pratisara In this portion, we are going to learn about the life of Pratisara, after that short etymological description of the word Pratisara itself. Etymology of the Pratisara Pratisaea is known as the Great fulfiller of wishes. Earlier, we learn about the life of Pratisara. Now .
marichi Thangka

Explaining Goddess of Dawn and Light Marichi

The Goddess of the Dawn is depicted in many different . Sometimes rides a white horse through the sky, banishing the darkness and driving back the night with the orb of the in the outstretched right hand. More commonly Marichi is yellow or red in color, with one, three or more faces and six to twelve arms, seated on a chariot drawn by seven pigs, or horses, removing all obstacles to and .

Explaining Ancient Sridevi (Dudsolma)

Shri is not one entity or personality. Depending on the form of Shri Devi she could be a wrathful emanation of a number of different deities such as Shri Devi Magzor Gyalmo is the wrathful form of Sarasvati. Some of Shri Devi with four arms such as Dudusolma are the wrathful form of Shri . There are dozens of different variations and forms of Shri Devi. Shri Devi wrathful with one face and .

Avalokitesvara and its forms

Among the 108 of Lokeswara Avalokitesvara is one who refuses to accept since he considers such acceptance is selfish in view of the of the great majority of the people who have not yet attained the stage. His sacrifice symbolizes infinite (Karuna), sharing of mankind's misery, willingness to help those in distress. He holds in his hand the indestructible jewel. He is and protector from danger. So his "" .