How to sponsor a newly ordained monk or nun with the necessities?

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    • #131523
      Himalayas Life

      How does one who wants to sponsor any newly ordained monk or nun with the necessities go about doing so?

    • #131561

      In certain communities there is a “postulancy” period when the candidate first wears white robes as an anagarika and after a year (or two) may then be given either novice (saama.nera) or full bhikkhu ordination.

      Once he is accepted for this, all the requisites should be provided.

      In some monasteries the candidate is provided with the cloth but has to learn to sew his own robes.

      Similarly for the lay person wanting to help supply requisites to the new monk, the best way is to ask details from a senior monk who will explain and help.

      In some countries such as Nepal there are even special providers to supply these requisites but whether this is suitable will depend on the monastery of ordination.

      Learn more about the Theravadin Buddhist Monk’s Rules here:

      The Bhikkhus’ Rules – Guide for Laypeople

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