Buddhist kalachakra painting mandala
Buddhist kalachakra painting mandala
Buddhist kalachakra painting mandala
Buddhist kalachakra painting mandala

Buddhist kalachakra painting mandala


SKU: HRSH-25367 Categories: ,


Buddhist kalachakra painting mandala is hand painted on cotton canvas with 60*60cm dimensions. The Sanskrit name Kalachakra, which literally translates to “Cycle of Time” in English, is made up of the elements Kala, which means “Time,” and chakra, which means “Cycle.”

Weight 100 Grams
Size 60 x 60 cm
Material Cotton Canvas And Mineral Color

Outer Kalachakra: the outside world, the cosmos, and its cycles of emergence and disintegration.

Inner Kalachakra: the sentient beings living in the universe, and the cycles of death and birth and internal flows of breath and energy;

Alternative Kalachakra: It is the process of purification that a person engages in to transform ordinary death, birth, and manifestation on both a personal and a universal level—processes that are typically uncontrolled influenced by the passage of time—into the fully Enlightened condition of full Buddhahood.


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