The Guardian

Are chatbots changing the face of religion? Three faith leaders on grappling with AI

Rabbi Joshua Franklin recently gave a sermon to his congregation at the Jewish Center of the Hamptons that was inspired by the Torah portion Vayigash.

In it, he discussed the power of vulnerability and intimacy, citing Brené Brown’s scholarship on the subject.

Brown defines vulnerability as “the willingness to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.”

Rabbi Franklin’s sermon spoke of Joseph, the son of Jacob and a prophet in the Abrahamic faiths, and how being vulnerable can lead to deeper, more meaningful connections with others.

He quoted Brown’s book to emphasize the importance of being open to forming relationships, even if it means we have no control over the outcome.

In this way, Rabbi Franklin used generative AI and conversational bots to bring new life to an text, showing us how the lessons of the Torah can still be relevant today.


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